Every Time We Touch- Zarry Fanfiction

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"Harry!" screamed my best friend Julie, as she ran down the hallway and jumped into my arms.

 I laughed as she squeezed me tight, "Don't squish me, babe."

 "How could I not," she smacked my arm playfully, "You were gone in America all summer! Do you know what it's like to be a girl, school shopping, without your gay best friend?"

"No and I never will," I shot her my award winning grin, "I missed you, Jules."

"I missed you too, Harry," she hugged me tight again, "Never leave me for a whole summer again."

"Trust me, America wasn't as great as people make it out to be."

"Good," she smirked, "Who've you got first this time around?"

I pulled my schedule out of my bag and looked down at it. Hmm, Mr. Malik. I had heard something about a new teacher, but I didn't know if it was true.

"English with Malik," I sighed, "He's probably some boring old man with no taste in literature."

"Guess we'll find out because I have that class with you," she replied, "We should be on our way."

Julie took my arm and we strode down the hallway in direction of the class. This summer hadn't been some simple trip to America, and she could never know that. I came out to my parents and they had me shipped out there because they thought a new setting would "change" me. Unfortunately, it didn't. I'm still as gay as gay can get. 

We reached the room and saw that there was no teacher in there yet, so we took our seats in the very back. A few minutes later, Julie's brother and my best friend, Louis Tomlinson strolled in and darted back to sit by us.

"Hey Lou!" I said and took him into a small hug, "How was your summer?"

"Boring," he sighed, "Sara was in Spain with her grandparents for the whole thing."

"They talked on the phone and skyped every day," Julie jumped in.

"Well, she's my girlfriend?" Louis asked obviously annoyed with his twin, "What did you expect?"

Someone cleared their throat at the front of the room, "Are you three done?"

My head turned to face the front of the room and our teacher stood tall. Definitely not a boring old man. He was about six feet tall, not including his steep jet black hair. He was graced with perfectly toned tanned skin. His almond shaped brown eyes were looking right into mine and his angelic mouth curved into a smirk. He had a bit of stubble lining his chin which made him look even more attractive. Mr. Malik was breath takingly beautiful.

"Yes," I said finally, "We're done."

"Good," He stopped addressing me and talked to the whole class, "I'm Zayn Malik, but you'll call me Mr. Malik. I'll be your english teacher for your senior year," he turned back to me, "I don't take bullshit in my classroom. When I'm talking you're not, no excuses. Welcome to class, and good luck." 

He turned back to the board and wrote his name sloppily, "I've placed books on your desk that you'll be reading. Each of you have a different work from Shakespeare. I've read every single one so don't try passing along that you've read it if you didn't. Most of you got Romeo and Juliet, but one or two of you got Hamlet."

I looked down at my desk and of course, Hamlet. If I had gotten Romeo and Juliet I could've just asked Louis and Julie what happened. But no such luck. I threw my hand in the air.

"Why should I let you talk?" Mr. Malik asked, "You had no problem with talking earlier."

I smirked and looked up at the ceiling, "I guess I just want to know why you're such an asshole, it's only the first day. It's not like we've done anything bad yet."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2012 ⏰

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