Valentine Possibilities

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Fareeha took a look at her phone for the third time. 'They're late.' she thought to herself. She was sat outside a small cafe in the outskirts of Cairo, wearing a blue attire fitting the February weather and sipping on tea. A new co-worker since just a few weeks prior had asked her out for a date on Valentine's Day. That day would've been a deal breaker for a first day if it hadn't been one of her few free days. But she started to regret it.

Her attire wasn't that flashy, but it along with the occasion was not her wheelhouse. And she was the one who had been asked out, but her date was already fifteen minutes late. As for the matter, she didn't even know the person, she was even fuzzy about the name. A waiter approached, an artificial smile upon his lips and a teapot in their hand. "Are you ready to order, Madam?" She looked over at her nearly empty cup and responded "Get me a refill. Come back to take my order when my company arrives." The waiter nodded and poured warm tea into her cup, bowed lightly and went to other tables, all other ones taken by couples. She glanced at them, some clearly shy and new in their relationships, others more open about their affections for each other and wrapped in each other's arms. Could that be her faith? She was uncertain. She was a soldier, a security guard.

Her thoughts went over to her mother. She too had been a soldier and been a founding member of Overwatch, but she still had time for her, both in a loving way and to help her learn to fight and defend herself. Was she interested, or more importantly, ready to become a mom? Would she ever? She felt her cheeks flush up. It was far too early to think about such things, especially when she still didn't know her late date's name for certain. No. Whatever this would lead to, spending money on a celebration manufactured by greed, have a good time, or finding the love of her life, she would enjoy her day and be open to the possibilities it could lead to.

In an alley a few meters away, a hooded figure watches as a person approached Fareeha, giving her a hug before taking a seat across for her. She smiled, happy to see her putting time in something which got nothing to do with fighting.

"Saeid eyd alhabi , aibna." she said, watching the two for a few minutes before disappearing into the shadows of the alley.

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