This Hell is far from over..

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I feel aching shoot through every part of my body. Again. And again.. It ends, followed by my scalp feeling like it's splitting apart. I open my sore eyes to see my worst nightmare.

"Do you know what you are?" Terror fills my ears, I nod not able to speak.

I feel an aching sting on my cheek, " You will use your fucking words when I speak to you!"

"Yes ma-ma'am.." I say almost to quiet to be heard.

"You are nothing! Understand? Nothing! Say it, tell your self you are nothing!" Her grimacing tone fills my ears.

" I am..I am..-" Another aching pain spreads from my chest out.

"I want the whole damn world to hear, god dammit!"

" I am..nothing." I say almost in a whisper which earns me another pain that spreads throughout my tired body.


" I am nothing!" My voice breaks as I yell throughout the hollow house. I no longer feel the splitting on my scalp but it is followed by a tight grasp on my neck.

"This hell is far from over.."


I jump up from my bed and my throat hurts like hell, I was screaming in my sleep.. It was just a nightmare. Just a nightmare.. I look at the clock, '5:30'. I theoretically have to get up in thirty minutes but it never hurts to get up early. I walk to the bathroom and step in the shower, I feel the water burn my skin.


I step out and examine my stomach. I have my abs that I love but that is the only thing I like about myself. I trace all my scars that can be seen all around my back and front, I remember each and every terrible memory of them. I put on my oversized black hoodie with some jeans. I brush my dark brown hair and put a little make up on, I need to look a little acceptable. I hop out of the bathroom and walk down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and around the island over to the cupboard. Wow. I really need a job. I grab the last cereal box and walk over to the refrigerator, no milk. Ugh! I put some cereal in a bowl and walk over to the sink. Soggy cereal, yay..! I eat it anyway. I run out of the kitchen and grab my book sack in the living room. I check the time, '6:12'. As I said, never hurts to get things done early.


I walk into school and see the empty halls, props to being early. I walk over to my locker and put the combination in. It opens to show my bare locker with a few books and school papers here and there. I put my book sack away and grab my books. I close my locker and head over to the classroom even though I'll be pretty early. I walk in to see Mrs.Standson at her desk.

"Your early, Ms.Sterling." She says without looking up at the paper she's grading.

" Yeah, well I wanted to be a good student. " I chirped.

She scoffs, "You are very far from a good student Ms.Sterling.. "

"Well I'm here aren't I." I grin when I see her shake her head in defeat. Fighting with my teachers is always fun. I sit down at my desk and watch the other students crowd in.

"Sammy!" I hear a screeching in my ear, I turn to see my best friend Hunter.

"Dammit Hunter, that's my ear!" She chuckled in response. Hunter is one of my few friends, I trust an extent at least.

"So.." Oh god, here we go again.. "You gonna say yes to Zander?" I groan in response.

"I already told you, I don't like him. Plus I'm not looking for a relationship right now.." She looks me over but turns away when the teacher starts to teach class.


I'm the first one to walk out of class and over to my locker to put my books away. I close it to see a face I wish I hadn't.

"What do you want Zander?" He spots the irritation in my tone but ignored it anyway.

"Still up for that date tomorrow?" Does this guy not know how to take a hint. I grab his chin and pull it down slightly. I lean in and his grin quickly turns to a smirk.

I miss his lips and I stop by his ear, "I'll tell you one more time, I don't wanna get in your pants. Ask me out one more time and I slice your dick off." With that I turn away only to get stop by his hand grabbing my wrist. He spins me around but doesn't drop his grasp.

"You'd have to get in my pants to do that, are you sure you don't wanna go for a treat?" I pay less attention to what he saying and I focus on his hand.

"Zander, I'm sure. Please let me go.." I plead.

" I'm not going without your number sweet cheeks. " He tries to sound seductive but it goes out more disgusting then anything.

"No.. Please just.. Let go."

His grasp tightens , I try to stifle whimper but I fail. "What if we skip the date, huh? You don't tell anyone and neither will I, alright?"

I only seem to be able to plead, "No. Zander please! Let go!" I cry as I try to yank myself away but I feel very weak. Next thing I see is Zander clutching his nose and.. Skylar?! Why the hell did Skylar help me?!

Her voice brings me back, "Are you okay Samantha..?! " She asks frantically.

"Y-yeah" I stutter out of confusion on what the hell just happened..

I feel a slight sting on my wrist and I see Skylar holding well she looks at it. "He held you pretty tight but why didn't you punch him? Your stronger them me, you could've knocked him out."

"'t know? I guess I was scared.. " She looks up from wrist and stares at me.

"Samantha Sterling gets scared?!" She asked surprised.

I chuckle, "I guess so.." I stare at my shoes. I'm trying to keep calm but that interaction with Zander lifted some memories up I don't wanna remember..

"You okay" I look back up at her and see worry plastered on her face.

"Yeah.. Oh I have a question, why did you help me? I thought you hated me..?"

" I don't hate you. " That's a surprise. "I just never got to properly meet since I'm always hanging around my friends and you are.. "

"Not friends with the popular kids. I get it, I just thought wrong." I finished for her knowing she wouldn't. She nods with a weak smile.

"Well I'd love to get to know Samantha Sterling." She reaches her hand out.

"And the pleasure would be all mine to get to know Skylar Jackson" We shake hands and laugh at how our friendship has just been made. 

Maybe this year won't be a drag, who knows.

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