When all the world's problems are solved, is optimism still necessary?

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When all the world's problems are solved, is optimism still necessary?

The short answer is yes.

Optimism is a mindset. It is a hope that everything will turn out for the best.

Optimism is not tied to whether there are problems or not. Even so, the problems of the world are not the problems of each individual person. To explain what this means, here is an example. Let's assume the predicament of hunger, which impacts the whole world, was solved. While it would definitely make the world better to solve hunger, just because someone isn't starving doesn't mean the food he is getting tastes good or is beneficial to his body.

World hunger and starvation is a large problem that has existed from the beginning. Suddenly, it has been solved. That, and additional economic and political problems. The world has become a utopia. However, there is something that will always be there. Human nature.

History has shown people find something to complain about. People will start to complain about the quality of the food, creating another predicament, albeit a smaller one, but a problem nonetheless. Where does optimism fit into this? A person could hope the meal he gets tastes good.

That is what optimism is. Hope. Hope, thankfulness, and positivity.

Hope that everything will come to the best possible outcome. Thankful that what is happening isn't any worse. Because even if the meal didn't taste great, at least he had food to eat.

Would optimism still be necessary? Unmistakably. In fact, it would become even more crucial for the world to remain optimistic. Why? If not, people would become stagnant and content with the status quo. Everyone must remain passionately optimistic about how to make things better than they are now, even if now seems great.

If people are not optimistic, what are they? The answer is pessimistic, which is the exact opposite of optimistic. What is so bad about pessimism? Pessimism is a mindset that can lead to depression, anxiety, and even health problems. It is the mindset that nothing should be tried simply because it is too hard or the chance of failure is too great.

A pessimist mindset keeps a person from ever trying anything. The thought process of a pessimist is that everything will fail. Don't try anything because you won't succeed anyway. This is exactly how a utopia is destroyed.

Would optimism remain necessary once the world's problems are solved? Undoubtedly. Optimism is a mindset that helps us not remain where we are, but rather push forward and strive for better. Optimism is relevant with or without a problem. A person can remain optimistic that his food will taste good; she will get a promotion; he will pass a test with a high score.

Here is an example of optimism without a genuine problem affecting the situation.

A student wants to attend a certain prestigious academy. This particular academy requires all applicants to pass a test in order to enroll. The student may or may not pass, but even if she passes, the academy might not accept her. However, the student stays optimistic and believes she will both pass the test and be chosen to attend the academy. The student passes the test barely and gets accepted.

The student could have chosen to be upset over the low score, but doesn't. She is grateful to be accepted.

If the student decided not to be optimistic, but instead pessimistic, she might have not even attempted, saying it was too hard, possibly falling into depression. The chance of both passing the test and getting accepted into the academy was slim. Fortunately, the student was not deterred and applied anyway.

When all the world's problems are solved, is optimism still necessary? Unquestionably, yes. The world is utopian and wonderful. It all looks great. But there is one factor that nothing can really account for. Human nature.

People will find something to scrutinize. With all these solutions appearing, new problems will pop up. The optimist would remind people they are clearly better off now than before.

Optimism reminds people things are better, that the world has become a better place. Optimists play a key role in reminding people that any problem which would arise would be a much smaller problem than the ones that had previously existed.

When all the world's problems are solved, is optimism still necessary? Yes. Optimism is beneficial, regardless of the circumstance or situation. It is a mindset of hope, thankfulness, and positivity. Optimism is crucial for the betterment of the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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