Chapter One

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Stiles Stilinski, a Shadowhunter, and a spark.

He was those things. 

But one thing he always took pride in was his skills to deceive people. He has been doing it to the pack for nearly a year now, since his "best friend" was bitten. 

He hid everything from  them. his runes, his scars, and his real emotions about being in a pack, and pretending to be a weak clumsy mundane. He was trained by the best, and he wished he could show them how bad he could beat their asses from here to London. 

He suspected they were going to kick him out of the pack, after the latest supernatural attack, a witch had captured him fir his virgin blood, only to find out he wasn't as pure as everyone thought. 

"So you were telling the truth about not being a virgin?" Scott asked, clearly shocked, as he looked at him. 

"Definitely not a virgin." Stiles had said, as he smiled, thinking about the boy he had fallen for, when he was little. 

"Still can't believe it." Scott said, as he chuckled and looked back at him. 

Stiles lost his virginity over summer break to the one and only Alec Lightwood. And they agreed that they both had feelings for one another, but would wait until he was back for good before they got together. They still kept in touch and it was a regular thing for Stiles to portal back and forth. 

"Oh shit!" Stiles mumbled as he looked at the clock, he almost forgot about the pack meeting in 15 minutes. 

He quickly got ready, and put on a simple flannel, with a simple black t-shirt under it, that was clearly not his, with a pair of black skinny jeans, along with a pair of regular white converses. He was out the door and he used a portal to teleport himself and his car to a near parking lot by Derek's loft, that he had recently bought. 

He pulled up and saw that pack members were still coming, he walked beside of Allison, who knew most of the truth, about his virginity, nothing else. 

"So any clue what this is about?" He asked her, and just looked at him, then at everyone else in front of them. 

"I don't have a clue, I just got the message." He could tell she was telling the truth, as she was nervous. 

They walked in and looked at the pack. They were just looking at Stiles. 

"Allison, you were not apart of the vote that we made about this situation, because you as well are human, but you can handle yourself. Stiles, you are now officially out of the pack." Derek said, as he looked at Stiles, who didn't even look fazed, he just shrugged and went to walk out of the loft doors. 

"Don't you have anything to say?" Scott asked, as he looked at his friend, tears in his eyes, Stiles was confused, this was a vote, and Scott obviously voted yes or this wouldn't be happening, so why is he sad?

"Bye." That was all Stiles said, as he walked outside to his jeep, hoped in and drove for half a mile before he teleported home, and packed a few things, and then teleported back to his jeep, leaving a note for his father. 

As he drove into NYC, he was excited. He was finally back home. 

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