Part 5: Months later..

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I finally figured out that I would have to ask her out. But ya know I was scared. But I saw her one day at brake and went to her saying "Hey Summer.." She and I would talk for a few mins. I finally said "Summer I like you...and was wondering if you would date me?...." She answered after a few mins of thinking, she said yes and I was so happy. She once called me a fluffy body pillow. I called myself a chair because she would always lay her head on my stomach and it was so cute. I really can't explain what shes like, My words aren't worth explaining her. She is just...Amazing,beautiful,silly,great,she makes me smiles so much. I still love her to this day, even if we weren't dating  I would still love her. I really think its love because by the end of the day, if we fought, we would talk about it and say I love you and that's that...and we always talk and I mean every time we see one another. I think shes my love, my first love.

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