Untitled Part 1

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The fucking Invasion thing part 2.... yeah. *115 ft. above the commonwealth. Republic, Empire and Chin Tu Phat are all in an intense fire fight, even though Chin Tu Phat only has 1 trooper shooting Republic ships with a bb gun.* "Order all soldiers to teleport or take a gun ships down to ground! So incase Kaisar needs to use an escape pod, he still has protection." Atom ordered the Officers. "On it." Said a female officer who Issued the order through to intercom. "Anyone else hear that?" An officer said as the room went silent, only the sound of the battle, and a loud thumps could be heard. "Dear god... GET THE ESCAPE PODS READY NOW" Atom ordered the officers. "Sir, I think thats unnecessary the blast door and sheild are inpenetrable, only a high yeild burst of energy could take down the sheilds and the door-" The officer said before being cut off by two laser beams cutting slowly through the door. "Kaisar! Get in to the escape pod! Now!" Atom ordered pointing at an escape pod meant for the crew. "The rest of you fill the other ones, and head as far away from the battle as possible, me and Kaisar are going to talk things out with Olly Company."Atom said. "Got it, Everyone get in the escape pods now!" the Leading Officer said. as Atom an Kaisar launched they're escape pod which was heading for the castle. MEAN WHILE AT THE CASTLE!Minutemen and Olly Company soldiers are on top of the walls firing at Republic Soldiers and Robots for everyone one they kill 10 take its place."KEEP FIRING!" Xavier shouted as he gunned down a few robots with his assault rifle. "God! There's SO MANY!" Huhgoofersteam said. Giving as he peaked up from cover too return fire.*Back at the courtyard.* "Sir we're being overrun- zzzzt--- to many---zzzzt---oh god they're here!----Zzzzt FOR THE MINUTEMEN!" Guns shots followed by laser zaps and then silence."Dear god." Anthony said in shock. "At this rate they'll have killed everyone and the Kitchen Sink." Valentine said. "I don't think we're going to live much longer so lets all resort to stabbing eachother, I'll go first." Eric said jokingly."Where's Danse?!" Eric said as Danse was carried over by medics, Danse was filled with gun shot wounds, and laser burns. "Jesus christ! Danse- are you okay?" Anthony said in shock said in shock "Nothing- I can't handle." Danse said."Hey guys... am I insane... well I am insane but does anyone else see that things heading right towards us?" Eric pointed at an escape pod heading right towards them. "Get out of the way!" Anthony said pushing Eric and jumping to the left as the pod crashed to the ground, opening to reveal Kaisar and Atom."Hey guys! You're going to have come over later as we're having some construction done and-" Eric said before Atom interupted "Eric this needs to wait, as we are ALL being fucking bombarded by the Republic and unless we take action we're all going to fucking die!""So, what do you propose?" Anthony said intrigued. "We combine all of our forces in retallitation against Earan's forces." Atom stated "Sounds risky, how can we trust you?" Eric questioned as Imperial Gaurds and Hessians teleported in, along with Reinout"You don't need to trust us." Kaisar stepped in. "*Sigh* Fine.... will do it." Eric said annoyed. "WHAT ARE WE DOING!?" Mavis said running towards the crowd. "We've decided its best to team up and take out Earan together." Reinhart said."But-" Mavis said "No buts, we have to do this if we plan on making it out alive!" Anthony stated. "Fine." Mavis grunted. "All units, follow me!" Reinhart ordered his men as they ran toward the castle gate, kicking it open screaming and then firing at the Republic troopers while more Imperial Troops spawned it, Royal Guard, Foot Soldiers, Hessians, etc."Welp.... we're still fucked but at least the empire is going first..." Eric said cheerfully. Meanwhile on the Empires battle cruiser (The ship they have that floats on land.)"All batteries FIRE on these positions!" Fikke ordered. "Yes sir!" Said some soldiers through the intercom as they launched artillery at the Republic Troopers. Before being interupted by a small Republic Frigate firing at them"SIR! ARE ARMOR CAN'T PROPELL FIRE OF THAT MAGNITUTE!" An officer said to Fikke. "Return fire!" Fikke ordered. And the ship started baraging the Frigate. And the Frigate sent down a small gunship that landed on the nose of the ship."Sir, they are boarding us!" An officer said to Fikke "Activate the defense protocals!" Fikke ordered. Back at the nose the gun ships doors flew open as republic troops ran out firing at sailors who tried to put up a fight, along behind the trooper, General Grevious walked out of the ship."Area Secure! Sir!" A Trooper said saluting Grevious. "Excellent, tell you're men to enter the control room!" The General ordered. "Yes sir! Breach the control room!" The trooper ordered. Soon after the door to the control bursted open, and the Troopers ran into the room, pointing they're guns at Fikke."What is the meaning of this!? What do you want!?" Rikke said "Quiet!" A trooper scolded Rikke. "Ah, Admiral Fikke. *Coughing fit.* You see we wish to take you and your crew captive for crimes against the republic." Grevious said "And what will be our sentance?" Fikke asked."Life in a Republic Prison, or death." A trooper said. "Well we would sooner die than let you take us capti-" Fikke said before being hit and knocked unconcious by Grevious, "Take them all to the ship, you 5 aim the artillery at the Imperial Ground Forces." Grevious ordered."Yes, General." A trooper said running over to a terminal and pressing buttons and stuff. The artillery soon fired at the Imperial troopers fighting the opposition.Meanwhile back at the castle "God, these guys just don't give up... am I right Mavis?!" Eric said cheerfully as he shot at Republic forces with his laser sniper thing. "Cut the chatter, Eric!" Mavis grunted as he snapped the neck of a trooper who managed to get to close to Mavis for his own liking. "Oh come on its fun to talk about our feelings!" Eric joked. "Its good not fucking dying either!" Mavis shouted. "Does something seem off to you about these guys?" Anthony asked. "What do you mean?" Mavis questioned. "They're not moving in, most of them are just staying put...." "Yeah I can see that, your point?" Eric said "Its like they are waiting for something. Like they're stalling." Anthony said. "Thats crazy talk!" Xavier stated through his walkie talkie. "But I'm almost certain-" Anthony said before being interupted by a Imperial fighter crashing into one half of the platform above the castle causing it too fall thanfully not damaging the radio tower. "Holy shite!" Cait said through her walkie talkie. "Is everyone okay!?" Anthony asked. "Yes General luckily no one was under that at the time..." Preston said. "Um guys! FUCKING SPACE SHIP! UH COMING FOR US FUCKING MOVE!" Eric said as a gun ship came crashing trough the makeshift wall of the castle "Gaurds move in!" Atom ordered the Royal Gaurds to surround the gun ship. As its doors opened a sound could be heard, a sound of heavy robotic breathing. Out steps a robotic man with who ignites a red laser sword. Behind him a bunch of people in dark armor ignite Laser Glavies and then run out of the gun ship to attack the few Royal Gaurds still protecting Kaisar.. "And now you will feel the wrath of the republic. With a swift blow. Or something impressive the writer of this shit is on cocaine right now...." The figure said. Starting a melee. Eric stood up from the rubble looked at the figure and said. "Hey I think I dropped my car can you help me find them?" Jokingly. The figure stood there. "No? All right then your usefullness is at an end. HUZZAH!" Eric said as he drew his pistol and began firing at the man he deflected each blast with his sword and began to move toward Eric making and picked him up and the man threw him at passing imperial fighter "OW..... ow... fucking everything HURTS! Everything- oh god I think I broke an arm.... ow...." Eric said in pain "Eric you alright down there!?" Xavier shouted "Oh yes, I just got thrown at a spaceship, and then fell about 20 ft. I'm better than ever!" Eric said sarcastically to Xavier. A Imperial Gaurd ran straight towards the man an swung his axe at him, only for the dark figure to deflect it with his sword then slice the gaurds chest with the sword. An other gaurd ran towards the figure again, this time the figure picked the gaurd up by his neck and collapsed the gaurds wind pipe. "GOD DAMN IT KAISAR YOUR GAURDS SUCK ASS!" Eric said crawling away from the figure. "Hey they're not that bad!" Kaisar said before being interupted by the screams of 5 gaurds being taken out by 1 of the other Dark Figures. "Okay nevermind they're terrible." Kaisar said dissapointed Eric finally ran out of room to crawl and the dark figure was not 2ft away from him ready to strike, but before he could deal the killing blow Atom pulled out his revolver and began firing on the figure hitting in the arm "Raauh!" The figure groaned. Eric got up and ran and told Atom "Nice shooting!" "I was aiming for his head!" Atom replied. "Don't mean to interupt but we're being overrun by these fucking freaks!" Anthony interupted. Shooting some of the Dark Figures with a hunting rifle "Strong not like strange men!" Strong said. "Thats greats Strong, irrelivant too." Eric replied. Picking up a laser musket off a dead minutemans corpse and then firing at the main dark figure with it, to no avail. "Hey could someone.... *Cough* PLEASE help me kill this guy?" Eric muttered reloading the Laser Musket before hearing a gun shot an looking up to see the main dark figure kneeling with his hand on a gun shot wound "Your welcome." Maccready who was stationed on the sniper tower shot Vader (Lets just call him vader now) while he was distracted. "Uh.... *coughing fit* thanks... now then where were we? Oh yes!" Eric said as get got up and shot the figure in the head, his helmet how ever took most of the blast damage. "General! There are to many, we need to fall back!" Ronnie Shaw said the the general. "Uh yeah, I don't think they plan on taking US as prisoners." Piper said peaking from cover. "Well what the fuck are we supposed to do!? We're can we go!?" Anthony scream taking out a few Republic Troopers how got close to the wall. "I got an idea! Follow me!" Eric said "Fall back we are being over run!" Reinhart shouted running in with a squad behind him "My men have orders to teleport away from the battle we only have a few minutes before-" "Wait a second got to make a quick phone call!" Eric said pressing some diles on the ham radio. "Hello, is this the Brotherhood!" Eric spoke into the mic. "Wha- Who's there! Civillian you better get off this signal or-" Captain Kells said before Eric interupted "You need to get out of the prydwen at once!" "And why is that?" Kells replied "You think the prydwens hull can take the damage the republic ships are dealing?" "No, but we'd rather die than-" Kells said "They aren't going to destroy it... knowing Earan she'll probrably just claim it and say she built it...." Eric said. "Why are you helping those degenerates!?" Reinhart asked "Because, we're going to need they're help at one point. Any way that doesn't matter now, you could save lives if you'd just evacuate the prydwen or-" Eric said before the radio signal started to go out. "Whats going on- zzzzt- *Explosion* Jesus whats going on up there!? zzzzt-" Kells said "Zzzzt- Surrender Now." A robotic voice came from the radio before gun shots could be heard. Through the radio then silence. "Welp, there dead.... LETS GO!" Eric said. "Strong, could you carry Danse for me?" Eric asked. "Stupid human has legs, walk self!" Strong shouted. "Stupid Humans legs are fucking broken." Eric said sarcastically "EEEUGH! Fine... stupid human." Strong finally agree picking up Danse. Meanwhile, at the Prydwen. In the barracks a noise could be heard from the hull of the ship, a suspicious scribe went to investigate when all of a sudden a drill breached the hull of the ship and began to turn in a circle. A bunch of Knights and Initiates gathered around to defend the ship again the threat. When all of a sudden the drill stoped and the metal circle it had been cutting fell to the floor. The soldiers point they're guns at it when a Republic Robot came through the hole, shooting some form of "Stun" ray at the soldiers knocking them unconcious. "Surrender is a valid option." The robot said as more of the same robot came pileing through the hole shooting at the rest of the soldiers quickly over running the ship. A few Vertibirds managed to escape from the droids most of them got shot down.Most of them got shot down. The rest of the brotherhood members were captured and dragged off. Back at the Castle "Guys get the hell down here at once guys!" Eric yelled. "All right! Calm down!" Mavis replied. "Anyone else here that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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