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computers were 'simple' in 1989, when I started my 4th/year electrical-apprentice/training; teacher was extremely-young/dead-serious about his course-work[like a breath-of-fresh-air, after all those grumpy contractors/moonlighting cause their businesses are failing]; we learned the electrical-magic to be found inside any-device with a processor; if you remember those times, there was only a small-handful of chip-manufacturers listed on NYSE[no NASDAQ, yet]; just a few software-publishers that rated such a listing; bits & bytes, is where I began conceptualizing software suites/algorithms; in class, pretty-boy passed around some processors[pieces from the puzzles he was solving at home]; he also explained what them little-switches was aswitchin' in 'layman's terms' to a group of tired boys/men, that just wanted a shower & a nap; I was the only candle shining in the dark, so he was talking to me[on my level] above the snoring; geometric-progression is like when you figure-out the odds of winning MegaMillions, with pencil & paper[he & I both disdained pcket-calculators; you start by writing down the number of choices offered for your 1st/selection[in this case, a much larger-number, than the number of electrical-connections on one/side of those primitive-processors we'd held in our hands[boy, this shit came in handy, when I was writing about them secrets slot-machines keep from the gambling-public]; so if you count just eight spiny-looking connections, down one long-side of a processor, it's kinda-like a mixer w/eight channels coming-in; them switches inside the processor, is like a sound-puke w/eight hands[or more like eight/pukes with only one hand/poised above his switch]; if eight signals can pass-through that mixer, all heading for the ejaculatory-goal of a crown-amp, there's how-many configurations possible, with only eight push-button/switches[we'll talk about sliders & potentiators at another time], that just one of those signals must negotiate; back to the paper & pencil/switch1 can be open[zero] or closed[one]; this is basic-binary, and shouldn't be a huge problem[two's]; two-possibles times te next-two/possibles = four combinations[cracking a safe/combo-lock]; six more times-ez to go/in scientific notation, we write two, to the power of of eight[tiny metal tines on that processor; a 2 with a word processing program's superscript function adding that tiny 8 above the line]; if you have not made-like the constipated-mathemtician,... and worked-it-out with a pencil,... the answer is 256; that means that one byte of data, can represent any symbol on your qwerty[including those 'hidden ones,' requiring ctrl- or alt-keys], any function of your numeric-keypad, some HTML-code, thrown-in for good measure, and still have room to report to Uncle-Daddy your GPS-coordinates; you can see from this simple calculation, that 'obsolete' 8-bit/processors can be used in all-sorts of appliances/robots, that only need to transfer text to the G5-network[where the actual 'computing' can be done on 7nm/photographic-process, state-of-the-art processors; them damn slot-machines run slower than some hopped-up gamblers, because their manufacturers buy carloads of used, obsolete 8-bit/processors[simply testing them, before installing in their product; their lack-of-speed actually helped me to devise better strategies for rhythmic-play; my 4th/year-training was on PC's; not personal computers, but programmable controllers[picture your breaker-box, filled with switches(varying in size, depending on the 'load'); the equipmen used in factories are similar, in that the largest motors, are connected to large switches; these switches have two sets of wires coming in/going out; one is the big wires carrying the current that will go to that motor, when the switch is closed; the little wires carry only low-voltage signal, that operates the big switch, from some remote push-button[also low-voltage] or from a CPU, somewhere in the factory; conventional motor-controls, require the mounting of 'normally-open' or 'normally-closed' CONTACTORS; to change the process, to make different 'widgets,' you'd need to change a truckload of contactors[and probably re-route half the wired-circuits]; with PC's, you just reprogram those smart little-boogers, and you are off-to-the- races[to make a $2-bet].

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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