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Interview #1- Stacey Jennis Carpenter        

May 31

The room was dirty and shady. There wasn't any windows and the only thing there was a desk with a lamp and two wooden chairs on each side. A light hung over it, connected to a switch by the door. On the wall in which the door was, a giant one-way mirror.

The door opened and revealed a teenage girl with short, dark brown hair and a navy blue jacket and skinny jeans. She was a little curvy with big green eyes and dirty high top sneakers.

There was an older man behind her holding open the door with a dark grey suit and slit back hair that was fading into white.

The girl seemed hesitant to walk in.

"It's okay," the older man said.

She looked back at her mom who had her arms crossed.

"It's okay, Stacey." she said, calmly.

The girl looked away and walked in. The man shut the door behind them and walked towards the desk.

"You can sit right there," he said, pointing at the chair in front of him.

The girl did so. The man sat in front of her in the other chair and turned on the lamp. He opened a folder which sat on the desk and took out the pen in his jacket pocket.

"State your name," the man said.

"Stacey Jennis Carpenter," The girl responded.

He wrote something down in his notes for a minute until continuing.

"Now, Stacey," the man started. "Do you know why you are here?"

Even though she did, she still wanted an explanation.

"No." she lied.

"You're not in trouble, instead, we want to ask some questions about your friend, Marina," he explained.

He took out a photo of Marina, her yearbook photo from the previous year, before summer started.

"We assume you know about her death?"

"Yes," Stacey said.

She had hardly any emotion in her voice. She seemed sad and confused.

"Before her death, did she show any signs of maybe suicide, or that someone maybe be threatening her in anyway?"


"She was normal?"


The man wrote something else in his notes before continuing once more.

"What was the last thing you said to her?"

"I told her bye after we parted ways after school," Stacey said. "She said that she was heading to the library and wouldn't be back for a couple of hours."

"Did you text her at all?"


"Did she respond?"


"What did she say?"

"I texted her and told her goodnight at around 11pm and she took 30 minutes. But it was weird, she said, yeah, bye. Not like her at all." Stacey explained.

"Can I see the texts?" the man asked.

She didn't respond and started to take out her phone from her back jean pocket. When she got it out, she fiddled with it for a second until handing it to the man.

The texts said that they were sent 6 days ago and at the exact times Stacey gave.

They read:

Stacey: goodnight, Marie. hope the library went well.

Marina: yeah, bye

The man looked at it for a minute before setting down the phone and writing something down. He pushed the device toward her and she took it and put it in her side pocket this time.

"Do you think that was Marina typing?" the man asked.

"No. It was never her."

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