⌜ five ⌟

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T H I R D  H O U R

after finishing the second hour in trying all the rides at the amusement park, and mark carrying donghyuck whenever he would get dizzy and stumble, the two now decided to walk around the place and stop by some booths to either eat and play.

are you not going to go down?❞ mark said as he gripped on the younger's thighs very tight to prevent him from falling backwards. ❝you're heavy you know.

donghyuck smiled as he buried his head down on mark's shoulder, sniffing watermelon scent on mark's shirt. ❝i like this.

some passers by were looking at them as if they were somekind of cute couple, cooing at mark who's giving donghyuck a piggy back, and mark was honestly pissed off by that. not because of how heavy donghyuck is, nor the cooes and the sweet looks the passers by are giving them, but those looks coming from those group of guys who's smirking as they were whispering something at each other while eyeing on donghyuck who's chin is on mark's shoulder and smiling in satisfaction as he was being carried.

here, wear it.❞ mark stopped from his tracks and gave donghyuck his spectacles that he took a while ago when they were trying all the rides. he somewhat felt the need of covering donghyuck's face from the public as he didn't like anyone seeing his beautiful and perfect features.

the younger pouted. ❝but i don't want to clearly see that annoyed look on your face.❞ not seeing and realizing how serious and stern mark is right now.

just fucking wear it and get down from my back.❞ mark said, making the tanned male tense up.

donghyuck quickly did as what was told and came down from mark's back, taking the spectacles from mark's hands and wearing it, now seeing how scary mark looked. that's not all he saw but also a group of guys that weren't far from them looking at his directionwith flirtatious looks, making donghyuck wonder to whom there were being cringy at.

just stick next to me and don't look at anyone except for me.❞ mark said as he cupped donghyuck's face and making the younger look at him in the eye. ❝do you understand?

for a moment there, donghyuck completely forgot that he rented mark. mark was acting like a jealous boyfriend and somehow made donghyuck's heart skip a beat. he didn't expect for the older to act this way knowing that he was just forced to go out with him.

good.❞ mark held the younger's hand very tight as he made donghyuck stick to him very close, glaring at the group of guys after. ❝now let's go before i murder someone here.

donghyuck is going to admit it, jealous and mad mark sure looks hot. if only there's still time left then donghyuck would take the remaining time in making mark jealous, he didn't care if he'll get scolded after by the older but as long as he'll be seeing this side often then it'll be worth it.

finally getting far from the group of guys, mark immediately let go of the younger's hand and made donghyuck frown at the sudden loss of touch. he cursed at himself for suddenly acting that way. he wasn't supposed to be getting mad but blood was boiling after seeing those hideous guys giving donghyuck a look as if he was food. oh how much mark badly wanted to throw fists at them—

look mark!❞ donghyuck's eyes glittered as he saw a booth across them, where in you shoot couple of cups and you recieve a stuffed plushie.

what is mark thinking? shaking his head, mark reminded and chanted inside his head over and over again that he shouldn't be acting this way. his goal is to ruin this date and not actually letting donghyuck be happy. and yet here he is, can't help but treat donghyuck as if he is his boyfriend. maybe he had forgotten that donghyuck is just someone from his school and had just hired him to be his date.

i want the lion one!❞ the tanned male shouted in glee as he pointed at the cute lion plushie sitting by the shelf behind the person managing the booth. ❝mark..

the canadian raised a brow at the younger, ❝what do you want me to do?❞ pay and shoot the cups for donghyuck? no way he's going to waste money on this forced date he is in.

knowing that mark's not going to pay for him, donghyuck took out his wallet and gave mark enough money to be able to get the lion plushie. ❝get me the lion plushie!

the person managing the booth chuckled as he accepted the money mark is handing to him, giving mark a toy gun after. ❝your boyfriend is cute.

the canadian scoffed at what the old man said. ❝cute my ass.❞ after loading the toy gun, mark paused for a second before speaking again in panic after realizing what he had just not said. ❝wait, he's not my boyfriend.

thank you mister old man for noticing how cute i am.❞ donghyuck flashed the person a sweet smile before turning to mark.

mark rolled his eyes upon seeing that look on donghyuck's face. ❝whatever.

and just what donghyuck had expected, mark the cups without missing out one. up, down, no matter where the cups are he can shoot them without wasting a bullet. donghyuck stared in awe and the manager of the booth can't help but smile at the couple. mark would have continued to shoot but stopped for a second to realize what was happening. donghyuck was gripping on his shirt with eyes full of hope about getting that lion plushie and the manager of the booth smiling and giving them a knowing look. he took a deep sigh and purposely missed a cup using his last bullet, earning a disappointing groan from donghyuck.

we almost had it!❞ donghyuck sighed and slouched his back. that one cup was all it need to reach the required number of cups to the get lion plushie.

mark successfully made donghyuck disappointed, but why did he feel like it was wrong to do it when he clearly wanted it from the start? instead of being happy as he was back on the right track of ruining this date, mark felt like he needed to put a smile on donghyuck's face again.

what on earth is donghyuck doing to him?

at least we tried.❞ donghyuck forced out a smile and took a bow at the manager of the booth. ❝thank you, we'll be leaving now.

just when he was about to turn around and leave the booth with a frown on his face, mark pulled him back from his place and took his own wallet out to get money and pay for another round. ❝i'll do it again.

the manager happily loaded the toy gun and gave it to mark, complimenting donghyuck about his taste for men. the younger couldn't hide the blush from his face as he didn't expect for mark to be like this.

mark, what are you doing?❞ donghyuck whispered as his attention went to the stacked cups that mark was shooting again.

mark paused for a moment and gave donghyuck a smile. ❝i'm getting that lion plushie for you sunshine.

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