1 - War

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"GET DOWN", Dean yells to his team.
A million thoughts are going through his head at this moment. Will he make it back to his little brother Sammy, can he protect his team from getting caught up in the worst parts of the war.
He then focused back on what was really important at this moment. Keeping his team alive. They were in the middle of a full out fight between the Angles and the Demons. Well, that's what he referred them to as. It was the Civilians vs. the Terrorists and his team was in the middle waiting for back up.
Dean leads his team from one side of the city to the other avoiding everyone at all costs. He got everyone to the edge of the city and we're hiding behind a wall when they saw the hummers coming to their rescue. They were so close to safety and then...
" Riiiiinnnngggg"
He saw a flash of bright white light and then he was out.

"Awe guys you shouldn't have." He was so moved by his friends' gesture. This was his last week working as a nurse for the military. He wanted to keep on doing good here but his brother Gabriel told him that it was time to come home and he had a nursing job all set up in the town his brother lived in.
Then on the radio, a loud voice came in and it sounded like the man was breaking from the inside out. " This is General Bobby, Does anyone copy."
Cas then rushed over to the radio, leaving the cake he was eating on the table, and said "Copy loud and clear."
Bobby then replied "We got a team of 6 coming in 4 looks like they are't gonna make it and 2 are looking pretty bad."
Cas then yelled at his coworkers of doctors and nurses saying "Have 6 beds ready, teams of three, I tracked the location they'll be here in 3 minutes, one nurse from each team wait outside for them the rest get all the equipment ready, move fast and diligently."
He then replied to the general "We got stuff ready here hurry we don't wanna lose anyone."
Cas could tell that most of them wouldn't make it but the general insisted on making everyone comfortable and he asked everyone if he wanted to relay a message to their family's.
While the general was talking he started working on the other 2 patients that seemed to have a chance at living. He started working on the leader of the team, so he assumed.
The general started to make him nervous he was hovering over him while he was working on the Sargent. Cas then had to kick him out of the tent so he could work in peace. Cas worked and worked on him for a good 2 hours before he decided there was nothing else he could do to help him, it was up to the Sargent on how things ended up now.
When Cas was finished he allowed Bobby to go back into the tent but Cas stayed with him to make sure nothing happened.
Bobby then started mumbling to the Sargent saying things like " you gave your team more time because of your bravery" and "you can't leave me you're like my son, plus Sammy would never forgive you."
Apparently, at the mention of Sammy, it made the Sargent wake up.
The Sargent fluttered open his eyes yelling "IM SORRY SAMMY" and passed back out.

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