Walk Me Down The Path.

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Chapter 1: 


We all had our secrets. Different ones of course. Except one. The town was like a ghost town, ever since Rayleigh disappeared everything went from bad to worse. We had never realized how much it could effect all of us. It had been just a little over a month since she had disappeared and we still had no clue where she was gone. We sat in the coffee house and watched the rain beat off the window, none of us daring to break the silence. I kept my long woolen cardigan on and wrapped my cold hands around my cardboard cup full of warm coffee. 

I looked up from the table and saw Helen was staring at me.                         "Where could she be?" Helen whispered.                                                 "I don't know, its as if she just vanished" I replied.

"The guards found a body" Sarah whispered flicking through the news paper.

"What?" I gasped.

"A body was found just outside of town, down the nature path, they don't  know who it is yet but a forensic test is being run and a DNA test has been sent out. Some say that the body may belong to the young Rayleigh O' Reilly who disappeared, we hope to know more soon" Sarah whispered reading through the article in the newspaper.

Just as I was about to reply Emma walked in with Sharon and Jade.

Jade looked our way and gave a small smile while the other two threw dirty looks. If looks could kill I'd say id be long dead.

"I gotta go. May catch up on homework" I began, standing up and fixing my hood.

"Okay. Text us later. I'll text you if I find anything out about "tomorrow", Ill ask mam when i get home" Sarah replied.

"I'll call over tonight" Helen added.

"Okay ill see you guys later" I replied and I walked out into the rain.

I always loved walking home, it meant i got to slip my earphones in and let the music drown out all the drama and lies and hurt so I could just lose myself in the music.

At home I had an annoying sister and neighbours who would never stop arguing.

As I came to the corner of my street, the rain started to get heavier so I decided to run down to the quiet house. When i got to the door I realized nobody was home so I took the spare key from under the flower pot and let myself into the house.

As I walked in I took my boots off and slipped my coat off. I hung my coat on the black coat rack opposite the twisting stairs and put my wet boots in the laundry room so they could dry off.

I grabbed my school bag off of the dining room table and walked up to my bedroom and threw it down on my bed. I was tired. It was Friday evening and instead of going out like a normal sixteen year old girl I hopped into my sweats and tied my long curly brown hair into a high ponytail. Study here I come. I took the laptop out of my dresser and put it on the bed as I took out my Art assignment. "Write a twelve page essay on New Grange - Due Monday morning" I read aloud.

I groaned in frustration and began writing my essay.

After about two and a half hours all my homework was finished and I could finally relax. Mam was already home and my older sister Kendra was out with her boyfriend Jake.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in" I called.

"Are you wanting dinner??" Mam asked standing in my door way.

"No I'm not hungry" I replied.

"Okay" she replied, gently closing the door behind her.

My mam and I hadn't been getting on as well ever since my dad left. No matter how hard she tried to start conversation with me about it I didn't want to hear it. They didn't try to work through it they just decided to get a divorce without even asking us what did I think.

Jordan still wasn't after getting his head around the fact that mam and dad were after splitting up. As an older sister I had to try help him through it. I sighed loudly and got up off my bed.

I walked over toward the mirror and looked at my reflection slowly.

My dark brown curls hung loosely down past my brown, almond shaped eyes. At this point in life I was only sixteen so i had a pretty young face and was about five and a half foot or less. I took a breath and sighed heavily.

Two more years and I'd be off to college away from here. I honestly could not wait. But how I was going to last two more years of odd looks and people whispering behind our backs. Especially Emma. She was the worst of them. Because she knew everything! She knew who Rayleigh was before secondary school hit. We were different people than who we use to be. I was the class geek,nobody liked me. Rayleigh was a heavy girl and got bullied.. but the summer before school started we all had a major transformation. I was still a geek but people didn't notice it. Rayleigh was beautiful. She had long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She was thin and just purely beautiful.

Helen was different. She had sallow skin and beautiful green eyes. She was elegant and sweet. All through out school people loved her.

Then there was Sarah. Fun, loving, perky and as competitive as ever. She loved sport and spent most of her time either at the golf course or out on the ballfield pitch playing soccer with the boys.

-------------------End of Chapter-------------------

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