poetic oneshot

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Midoriya's Pov -

She had a crush on him for as long as she could remember. They were in there second year of high school and she had fallen hard for him.

She didn't know how to act around him. They would hang out all the time, she loved being his friend.. Friend? Enemy? Whatever they were, she wanted more, more, more than this.

Weather it being holding hands, kissing, hugging, cuddles, she was so desperate to have more. Anything she could get she wanted. She didn't care about his cussing. How he would bully her. She didn't even care that he probably hated her. She just wanted him.

But she couldn't. She was scare to say anything. She kept her distance. Whenever he sat next to her, she would build a wall between them. Whenever he get closer she would back away making as much distance as possible. Whenever he came close, she made her escape quickly. She made sure to never let him get close enough to touch her.

"I love you.." Is what she wished to say. Or whenever she did, she checked to make sure he wasn't paying attention. She did this often.

When they would sit in class, she watched the sun full the room with light. Then she'd look at him in front of her and see him dreaming. Smiling to herself hearing his soft snores. How his spiky blond hair laid on his face. His eyelashes sitting perfectly on his cheeks. She loved how his face looked so peaceful. Wondering if he actually hated her, he was nice sometimes. Her mind filling with thoughts of him might actually liking her back.

She wants to just give in. The best part is always falling... Right? But no, whatever she's feeling can't be love.

She has to remind herself.

Make sure to keep your distance. Say "I love you" when he's not listening. But she asks herself, 'how long can I keep this up'.

She hates how he can casually stand close to her, when she can barley breath. She's afraid of what he'll see. Knowing she would give him anything. Every her last broken heartbeat.

"No." She would repeat in her head. "Keep your distance". But, for how long can she keep doing this to herself?

So she'll keep waiting. For him to turn around and actually see her. To like her. Possibly love her. To save whatever they have left.

But she doubt's that would ever actually happen.

So she makes sure to keep her distance. Say "I love you" when she knows he's not listening. She would just have to fight to keep it up. But how long will it take till she calls what she's feeling love?


- Bakugou's Pov -

Let it out, he so badly wants to let it out. He wants something to burn. He wants that nerd to say whatever she needs to. He knows she hiding something. He gets mad when everyone tells him he's a wreck and he needs to clean up his act.

But everything she does makes his heart race. He can barley think straight. He wants to ask if she thinks everything is just a game to her. It's always the same fight. More like him always yelling the same things to her..

"I hate your touch, I hate your mouth and every single thing that falls out." She's everything he's dreaming about. But he will never call what he feels love. He hates her voice, he hates her lips, he hates how bad he wants to steal her kiss. She's everything he wants and more, but he can never call this thing he feels love.

Asphyxiated to say the least. Whenever he stands near her he can barley breath. When he feels her eyes in class watching him sleep. He can feel himself suffocating.

No knows he shouldn't care. He doesn't deserve her.

Yet, everything time she smiles it makes his heart race. He swears she does it on purpose. She runs through his mind. Over and over ever night. He hates how she does this to him. He loves her touch and her mouth, including every single word that falls out. Her small little mumbles and squeaks. How she shows she's no longer weak. He knows he bullied her for so long, he could never call what he feels love.

He still thinks of her voice, and her coral pink lips. Oh god, how he wants to steal a kiss. She's all he can ever think about. He needs to stop this train of though right now.

He's in class, right in front of her and turns around to pass back some papers. Their hands graze each other and he thinks how he touch is like an ocean he could drown in. Its overwhelming how bad he wants to sink in let it take him away. He wants to hold her till the blue sky turns gray.

He doesn't understand why she came back after all he's said to her. He's constantly on the edge wanting to apologize. Yet his pride won't let him. He hates himself on that fact alone.

He needs to let it out. It keeps building up. What even is it. Can he call it love? He need to except how he feels. Tell her what he's been holding in for so long.


- Third person Pov -

After class that day, Bakugou asks her to wait for him and she shyly smiles and agrees. They meet up on the roof of the school.
He tells her how he feels, getting over his pride. A small blush on his cheek. He looks her in the eyes and speaks through his teeth.

"I need your touch, I have no doubt. I want your love until it all runs out. Listen up because I'll only say this once. You're the only thing that I dream about. You're the only one I've ever loved. I need your voice, your mumbles and Fangirl fits. I'm sorry for ever hurting you and for it taking this long. You're all I've ever dreamed about. I'm here to tell you, you're the one that I love and can't live without."
All his feelings poured out at once. He doesn't even know how she'll respond, he just knows she looks shocked.

Izuku's eyes gloss over as she holds back tears. Her voice shaky she softly responds, " I've been waiting so long for you to take me. And to see you save waited to save what we have. I've always made sure to keep my distance. Say I love you, when you weren't listening. I can finally stop trying to keep it up." She rushes into his arms crying. "I don't have to keep my distance, ill say I love you even if you're listening. I can finally call this love."

Izuku stands in Katsuki's arms crying while he rubs her back holding her. They've finally figured out their feelings. He wasn't going to ever give her up. After all her sobs become soft sniffles he softly grabs her shoulders and lightly pushes her back looking into her eyes.

"Will you go out with me..?" He continues to look into her emerald eyes. A little red and puffy, but still beautiful. He sees a soft smile creeping onto her face.

"I thought you would never ask" she reaches up and raps he arms around his neck. Standing on her tip toes. She pecks his lips lightly. "I love you."

He kisses her back, thinking he's waited so long for this very moment and quietly whispers into her ear,

"I love you too."

Can I Call This Love? {Bakudeku Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now