Chapter 1

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Your moms day started just like any other day when she was younger. But that day was a little different it was the day where everything changed. This is her story.

*22 years ago*


"Ally you have to help me pack, im leaving in 2 hours!" Adam said

"Adam I thought you were already packed?" I said while covering my face with my blankets. Adam kept bothering me and jumping on my bed until I finally gave in. I got up and threw my pillow at him. After some time we heard a car horn from outside we ran outside the house to see it was Jesse and Jane (adams girlfriend)

"Hey babe" Adam said right before kissing Jane

"Yuck...get a room you two" Jesse said while helping me pack Adams stuff into the car.

For the rest of the day all four of us hung out together having fun and goofing off but, then around five I had to say goodbye to two of my closest friends as they drove cross country to New York. I stood there at the curb waving goodbye while crying but yet happy for them.

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