Chapter 1

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It was something I never thought I'd see, an event so horrific I had no idea of what to do, what to say. What do I do, It felt as if I was frozen in time, never able to move again. My parents slaughtered because of what they are, my sisters killed all because they tried to save me. "The last of our kind." It's all my fault there gone, i'm the reason their dead. I told myself as tears continuously flowed down my cheeks. I felt like staying there and waiting for death to come to me, but something kept me going, I suddenly remembered why my sisters and parents died.
Flashback to a little earlier.
"Elise, sweety you must survive, live on till the very end you are the last of us, now go hide and live on with all your strength. I love you." these were my mother's last words before she would disappear forever.
End of Flashback.
I heard pounding on the door. It must be them, I have to get away, what do I do? I thought to myself and calmed down when I saw a small hole in the wall. It looked like it led to outside. With luck on my side I got up as fast as I could, didn't look back and ran for the woods. Tears still dripping down my face from the agony I had just experienced and the people I had just lost, but I must live through this pain or else the reason for their deaths would've been for nothing.
5 years later.....
I was looking for some food to eat when all of a sudden I had spotted a delicious looking deer.
"Mmmm fresh deer." I said to myself as I licked my lips desperate for food. Anxious, but laid back I slowly lifted my gun and made sure I got a steady solid aim on my prey. I was about to shoot my rifle when I saw humans hunting for food as well.
"Well I wonder what humans are doing her, the last time I saw humans was at least 8 years ago." I thought to myself.
"Oh I should probably catch it for them and then we can eat it together as a sign of peace." I said to myself well putting my rifle over my shoulder confident in getting to know them. After all it's been quite awhile since i've talked to anyone. I thought to myself. I got back in my shooting position and slowly carefully aimed the gun at the white-tailed deer. Once I had good aim..Boom! I shot it. I walked over to the fresh caught prey I just shot and put it over my shoulder. I started to walk over to the humans and they put their weapons up.
"Relax you guys I just want to give this catch to you because I could see you guys were also hunting as well." I said with my hands up and my rifle on the ground showing that I meant no harm.
"Why should we trust you?" A young man with an undercut style and cream brown hair said like he thought he was the best of the best.
"How about because I could take all of you down in only a matter of seconds." I responded back, but they all looked at me as if I wasn't human. I don't blame em though because in the speed of a human eye blinking i was already behind the man, a japanese-styled katana inches away from his neck. At that very moment the man made a smart decision, he dropped his gun onto the ground. I swept away back to where I was once he did this the rest were smart as well.

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