18 0 0

song: weak when ur around- blackbear


I was so late.

In my defence, it was a really good book. I was barely awake before I jumped out of bed and ran into the shower. I didn't wait for the water to get warm, it would take too much time! I brushed my teeth as quick as I could before jumping out of the bathroom.

When I got back into my room, the fan heater was on. Selene probably turned it on- she was obsessed with heating.

Selene was the only person I considered a friend. She was always there for me, and I couldn't ask of anyone better.

The fan heater made my room all nice and toasty- too bad I couldn't stay and enjoy it. I Shrugged on an oversized sweater, which slightly fell off my shoulder, before pulling on some skinny jeans. I ran downstairs grabbing my bag, keys and shoes along the way.

Selene looked up from stuffing her face with cereal and toast at the same time. She was honestly the prettiest girl I'd ever seen, her eyebrows were done to perfection, as well as her eyeliner.

"What? You know we are gonna be late right? And on the day the new guy is coming." She muttered, whilst stuffing a buttered toast in my mouth.

She grabbed her chai- which was still steaming and swallowed it all in one go. Her Asian genes never ceased to amaze me. I had also scarfed down my toast, and soon enough we were out of the door and running to school.

We didn't make it, unfortunately, so we had to sign in at the office with late slips.

"Sebby," Selene whined. "I didn't even get to see the new kid!"

"How much you wanna bet he is in our class?" I snorted.

We made our way to maths, the teacher glared at us and told us to sit down. The students weren't really paying much attention to us, so we went to go and sit in our usual seats.

Only, Selene's chair was taken.

I gulped, and looked at the boy- no, man.

Holy crud. He was, well, hot. His jawline was strong, so sharp. His lips- full, and set in a lazy smile. His eyes were dark, almost black, and they were hooded. In all honesty, he looked as if he was slightly high -but that just made him all the more sexier.

Did I mention that he had a lip ring?

He wasn't watching me, his eyes were slightly glazed over. He had his head back, and he seemed to be dozing off.

I looked over at Selene, who looked over at him once, rolled her eyes, and whispered:

"Fuck boy."

Turning, she found a seat, which was two rows in front of mine, and wiggled her eyebrows at my helpless expression. Why did he have to sit next to me?

I am way too tired for this right now.

Slowly making my way to my seat, I moved my chair out as gently as I could, trying not to make a sound against the floor and ultimately wake him up. It didn't work, quite obviously, and the chair made a loud screech. I winced and sat down as quick as I could, and tensed when the man next to me moved.

I felt his eyes glaring at me. It hit me full force at the side of my head. Awkwardly, I looked up to apologise, but when I did his head was already turning back to its original position, as If he was too tired to even bother to talk to me.

I don't think I'd ever seen someone move their heads as fast as he did, double taking my face. He scanned my face once, twice, before his glare was replaced by a lazy smile and his eyes turned darker. He leant back, and Lord I would be lying if I said the way he looked at me didn't make my abdomen clench deliciously.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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