The Enemy of my Enemy is my Mate?

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Chapter 1

It was home coming week for my high school. A time for jocks to show off. A problem was that today was friday and the game tonight would mean if I was going to go through hell for the next week. I was hoping that it would be a win for us, because Darien was going to take everything out on me if not. Darien is the schools 'prince' and the football captain.

Just to clear things up I am a girl, not an annoying idiot of oppiite gender. I had long-ish red hairwhich I usually pulled into a bun or pony-tail, pale skin and long legs, I had frekles everywhere, but they were starting to vanish, rarely there now. I was above avrage girl height. Cross contry was helpful to keep me skinny. Being 16 I was a loner, luckly. I was never good with many people around.

The game tonight was mandatory, unluckly, or I would not have gone. It was 5th period out of 7. I was hoping that this day would just end. Darien was close to me in the room. I was laying on mybooks, which were on my desk, trying to zone out. Darien was next to his girlfriend, Anna, and they were disscussing the game tonight, as well as the other teams captain, who was the quaterback as well.I started listening agian. Darien almost blew a gasket when Anna mentioned his name. My mind was racing with ideas to torment Darien, no good ideas came to my head though, I was still paying attention to there convorsation. Anna was hoping that he would win the game, mainly so she would look good, dating the winning quaterback and captain. Darien was hoping that he would win for a safe road to collage, because a collage scout would be there. I was pondering all of this and planing to ruin his chances. Not many things came to mind. When the bell rang, I was out of the room, to a 2 period long study hall.

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