Chapter 1

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I balanced the 4 trays on my arms, while maneuvering around the crowded floor of Le Soumis, the beautiful French restaurant I waitress at for penny's. I finally make it to my table, 4 handsome businessmen, placing the plates in front of their respective person.

"Is there anything else I may get for you gentlemen?" I through on the charm, even before they ordered food they had a $300 bill from the bar, hoping for a really great tip to make up for the past few weeks.

"No, but thank you ma'ma." The dark hair one answered while looking deep into my eyes, "Unless you can offer yourself." He ended with a smirk, a lets fuck smirk.

Somehow I don't think he was making a joke, I truly think he would want me if I said yes. Even though I think he was being serious I chuckled.

"Sorry guys, I need to be here. Need to make that money to pay for school." I quickly walked off the floor, wiping my sweaty hands on my expensive skirt.

"Kimberly!" I heard my name get yelled out over the hustle of the kitchen.

"Hey Tammy." I greeted my manager.

"Kim, honey you can go home now."

I looked down at my watch, "But Tammy I still have 2 hours? And what about the table I still have?"

"They already paid, go home you look like you could use a nice nap."

"OK. Thanks Tammy."

I ran to the locker room, ripping of my stained white apron. Opening my locker I pulled out my jeans and tank.

Once I was finished changing I walked out back to my car. I look up from my phone only to see a shadowed figure by my car. I stop in my tracks, turning to go back inside and get an escort out.

"Kimberly." I hear my name spoken softly. "A very pretty name for a very pretty girl."

I turn once more around to look the the dark stranger.

Against my better judgement I respond. "How do you know my name?"

"I heard your coworker calling you once you left my table." 

As I walked closer I noticed it was the man who asked if I was available.

"I would like to talk to you, privately please." He asked open the door to a expensive looking car next to mine.

"Why should I trust you?"

"If I was to kill you I've had plenty of time already to of done that." He said smoothly, while gesturing to the car again.

"Fine, but my roommate knows when I should be home." I said while getting into the car.

Slipping in and sitting on the cool leather is a nice change from my ripped cloth seats, in my 20 year old car.

We make to small talk on the way to his place, I just watch the city pass by the window. As we go farther downtown, I realize we are moving into the million dollar part of time. He pulls up to a beautiful Victorian style mansion. We pull up to the speaker.

"Master Nate, it's nice to have you home." A elder, male voice stated as the rode iron gate opened for us. Pulling up to the front of the house a young man came out and opened my door.

"Ma' Lady, right this way." He said leading me out of the car, where the man, Nate I guess was waiting for me.

"Now lets go into the study and discuss what I propose." He said giving me his arm.

The doors open and I was in awe the house was amazing, I was afraid to even walk on the floor knowing they cost more then all the money I've made. He steered me deeper into the house to a rich, dark wooden door. Pushing open the doors he gestured for me to enter. I walked in and sat on the leather clad chair in front of the fireplace that already had a fire roaring in it, like they knew I was arriving.

"Ok let me cut to the chase. You need money and clearly someone to be around. I have both of thoughs. You can live a life of luxury, you won't have to worry about paying for school, or rent you can live here. If there is something you want you can have it, a car, a house, an island, anything."

"What do you get out of this?" I questioned weary of where this was going

He pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

"This is what I want, read it over, take it home and look at it for a few days. Think about it, I will go back to the restaurant in 7 days time awaiting your answer." He said while raising out of his chair. "I should be getting you home, don't want your roommate to worry do we." He said winking. Offering me his hand, I took it and rose from my seat.

The drive to my place was quiet, I was afraid of him seeing where I live now, after seeing his place. He dropped me off out front of my dingy apartment.

"Have a wonderful night Kimberly, I'll be awaiting you answer." He kissed my hand then sped off in his car.

Turning the key to my home, I could feel the paper he gave me burning my hand, just waiting to be read. I was beyond nervous to read it. I crept through the house as to not wake Kelly, my roommate, and walked into my room turning on my lap. I pull out the paper and began to read

                                                               Submissive agreement

Agreeing to do whatever the master wishes. The Sub will help with daily chores, in the desired dress of the master. The Sub, once finished with her chores, will have free reign to do as she pleases, along with a black card to pay for anything she wishes.

Every night at 9pm sharp the Sub will be waiting in the room fully naked, kneeling, with her head down and hands behind her back. She will do anything and everything master wishes including and not limited to-

-being tied up

-not being aloud to finish

-the use of nipple clamps, butt plugs, whips, etc


-any type of sexual act he wishes

-any type of punishment he deams fit

The rules the Sub must follow while in the room-

-only speak when spoken to

-never cover her body

-address master as sir or master at all times

-count every lick of the whip either for punishment or enjoyment

Sub must remember her safe words-

-red- stop 

-yellow- slow down


If Sub agrees to the above terms please sign below.

He wants me to be his Submissive. I couldn't believe this, I don't know if I could do this. So many thoughts were running though my head all at once. I was getting lightheaded and I could feel a headache coming on. Before I knew it I was passing out on my bed out of shock and tiredness. 

"I guess this will have to wait until tomorrow." I thought before everything went black.

Thank you guys for reading. I wanted a love story that doesn't start out like most, I wanted it to be a bit different and risque. I'm open to all suggestions on what you guys think I should do or do differently. Thanks again.

Love You Guys


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2019 ⏰

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