Hello. My name is Hannah. I am looking for a critique partner. A critique partner is someone who reads my work and whose work I read and we critique it from the perspective of another writer. If you need a better explanation of this, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1KJoXwgB3M I would prefer to work with someone who writes/reads the same type of books and stories I read and write which are fantasy, teen fiction, and romance (mostly). I promise I will have a lot to bring to the table when it comes to helping you with your manuscript. If you're interested in this, please message me on Wattpad or email me at Graybabies1(at sign)gmail.com It wouldn't let me type an at sign in case you couldn't tell. I look forward to hearing from anyone interested. Please let me know! Thanks
Also, even if you're not interested, would you please vote on this so others can see it?
Critique Partner Needed!!!
FantasyI read your stuff, you read mine. We grow as writers.