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Michael rushed to pack up his laptop and notebooks knowing he was late picking his partner up. His partner Sebastian had already started blowing up his phone, for the last hour the love of his life had been texting and calling him telling him to hurry up as they were going to be late for the Halloween party his Sebastian had spent weeks organising for a wealthy client.

Michael was the last to leave tonight, all his colleagues had already left for the night; each one having parties of their own to attend. Making sure he had everything Michael checked he'd switched his monitor off and double checked he'd locked his desk draws before heading for the door to his office. Lights buzzed and clicked as they all flashed back on causing Michael to rapidly blink as his eyes slowly adjusted to the bright lights of the office.

He continued to make his way through the office avoiding Halloween decorations his colleagues had put up around the room. Cardboard cut outs of different mythical creatures were placed around the open plan office; some had the fake webbing covering them whilst others had fake blood dripping down their clothes. Bats hung from the ceiling along with spiders and more fake webbing which caused half the worker to ninja out when they walked into the webbing. Rather than the usual sticky notes on the glass walls and doors the occupants of the office had huge stickers of different Halloween characters like mummies and witches stuck to them. Too many people had walked into the glass not realising it was there so the sticky notes had been randomly placed on the glass with writing telling people to not walk into the glass.

Michael managed to avoid any stray webs as he eventually made it to the elevators at the other end of the office. He pressed the button and silently waited for the elevator to ding when it got to his floor, as he waited he looked around the office, eyes catching different decorations that had been set out over the past week. It reminded him what he would be going home to knowing his partner loved this holiday.

Michael jumped when the ding of the elevator echo throughout the office, the massive metal doors rolled open exposing the moving containers mirrored insides. The metal containers innards proved to be brighter then the entire office as Michael had to shield his eyes with his free hand as he stepped inside. The doors rolled shut behind him, dinging once again. Michael pressed the ground floor button and took a step backwards waiting on the lift to descend.

Michael's eyes focused on the red numbers above the door, watching them change with each level he descended. The elevator came to a stop then it reached the ground floor doors screeching open from disuse exposing a very dark and destroyed office.

The room was in disarray, desks were over turned, wires hanging from the ceiling like vines in a forest. Ceiling tiles had crumbled to dust covering every surface like snow. There was glass everywhere, sparkling within the moonlight like grains of salt during the winter, bundles of it spread around the doors and where the windows had been. The light breeze blew the blinds, forming Mexican waves around the room.

The silence unnerved Michael more then what the state of the room did. It looked like a bomb sight, and if he didn't know any better he'd be thinking that his office was being used for a movie. The elevator he was still standing in looked exactly as it did before the doors opened.

He stepped out of the lift looking left and right, eyes lingering on the holes dug into the walls. The doors to the lift rolled shut behind him slamming loud enough to knock the air from his lungs as he flinched at the deafening sound. The doors looked old, worn covered in marks that could resemble claw marks but from what he couldn't imagine.

The crunching of glass drew his attention from the lift doors to the rather empty office behind him, his eyes set on a shadow that suddenly merged with the never ending darkness. Ignoring it, Michael made his way across the room, heading straight for the double doors that lead out onto the street, trying his hardest not to make too much noise.

The outside world appeared just as ruined as the office had been. Cars overturned, cars on fire that was spreading to nearby buildings. Chunks had fallen from buildings like they'd been shot at with more than guns, there was no electric lights to be seen, the only source of light Michael could see was from the fire and the moon.

Someone Gets on the Elevator by Himself and Is Never Seen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now