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Author's note: this is all how I imagine Ben's backstory, please don't tell me if I got something wrong or something not right, this is my version. I'm pretty proud of this and would like to post more, also I imagine ben with kind of longish hair, long enough for a ponytail, but short enough to where he looks like a guy still if you understand me. And his bangs sometimes cover his eyes. Please enjoy my story ^-^

Ben's POV: (about all of this will be in Ben's POV lol)

So, this is the story of how I died, best to start from the beginning, you know, before I drowned. Any who, I was in my room playing video games when I heard my mom come in. 

"Ben dear, it's time for dinner." She said, standing in the door.

"Do I have to sit by him? Or across from him?" I asked, pausing my game and looking at her. "well no, but it would be nice." she replied. In case you didn't know, we were talking about my step-dad, A.K.A. the asshole of the family. I swear that man hated my guts, that or it was because he was constantly drunk. 

I gave my mom a look to say 'you're joking, right?' she just smiled at me. "Ben, honey, please." I saw the pain in her eyes and I sighed as I  got off my bed. 

"Fine, but I'm not talking to him." I said, going over to her. We headed downstairs together, I'm slightly ahead though. I looked towards the table and saw the asshole sitting there, reading the paper, a bottle of beer next to him, of course. Avoiding eye contact, I sat down in my chair next to the monster, as my mom set the table. When my mom sat down, I sat there quietly and ate my food as my step-dad set down the paper and started eating. 

"How was your day, dear?" I heard my mom ask him.

"It was fine, same as usual." He said, taking a drink from his beer, I rolled my eyes. He noticed because he set the beer down and turned to me. 

"anything you want to say, Benjamin?" He asked, I hated that and he knows it.

"I wish you'd leave me alone." I muttered, now picking at my food.

He picked up the newspaper and rolled it up, I knew what was coming. He hit the back of my head with it, I wasn't going to let him know that it affected me, except for the flinching as it made contact with my head. I heard my mom gasp, I gave her a look to say I was fine. I saw her nod a little and stand up.

"Ben, I think it's time for bed, you have school tomorrow." She said. I stood up and went to my room, as I headed up the stairs I took a glance in the kitchen, more beer bottles. Probably empty, meaning the jerk was most-likely drunk. I rolled my eyes at the sight and went to my room. I looked out my window to see a man standing under a streetlight, looking up at my window, he had no face and he wore a suit. I started hearing static in my ears, I closed my eyes and held my head. Soon the static stopped and I opened my eyes. I looked out the window and saw the faceless man was gone. I shrugged and went to bed.

*the next day*

I woke up to the sound of someone pounding their fist on my door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"who is it?" I yelled out.

"open this god damn door now!" I heard them yell, my step-dad, fuck. I slowly got up and opened the door, he glared down at me. I looked up at him, annoyed that he woke me up.

"can I help you?" I asked, annoyed.

"Why weren't you awake when I yelled first?!" He yelled in my face, I looked at his hand and saw a beer bottle, great, the guy was drunk. I looked at him and went to close the door. He stopped it with his foot and opened it. I stepped back as he stepped in. 

"I was still sleeping when you yelled, how could I have heard you?" I asked. He growled and shoved me, causing me to hit my bed kind of hard.

"Don't be a smart ass." he said, taking a drink from the bottle. I rolled my eyes. I blew my bangs out of my face in time to see him finish off the bottle. He looked at me directly in my eyes and threw the bottle at me. I ducked quickly before it hit me, I heard the bottle shatter behind me. He glared at me and stumbled out of my room. I sighed and checked the time, 6:30 am, about time for me to get up anyways. I sighed and went to my closet and got out my favorite Zelda shirt and hoodie. I put them on and changed into a regular pair of jeans, I also put on my favorite green scarf and grabbed my backpack. I headed downstairs to make myself breakfast. Setting my bag down and going into the kitchen to make some toast or a sandwich, I climbed up on the counter and got the bread out. I continued making my breakfast as I heard my mother come downstairs.

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