The Slender Theory

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Lil' Johnny is at his school, his graduation is near and he is very excited.

Note: he is at college, he wants to be a paranormal investigator when he grows up

"Mom, Dad! our graduation is tomorrow!" Lil' Johnny told his mom and dad happily. "Son, we are happy for you, and we are excited for your graduation too. Say, what will you be when you grow up? "Lil' Johnny's dad asked. "..... Dad, i want to be a paranormal investigator...." Lil' Johnny said. "Hahahahahaahah! Ghosts aren't real Son! Don't be ridiculous!" Johnny's dad jokingnly said. Lil' Johnny left and wentto his room, "Why doesn't dad take me seriously?!?!" Johnny said in dissapointment. Johnny went to sleep quite early and it was a busy day, his parents tried to wake him up, but to no avail.

Lil' Johnny woke up after a few hours and he was scolded for not waking up and missing his graduation. "There's no point Even if i graduated i won't achieve my dreams!" Johnny said angrily to his parents. "You're grounded!" Johnny's parents shouted.

Johnny went to his room crying. He planned to get out of the room through the window but he feels he wants to investigate the dead, the ugly and the scary. He opened his laptop and went to a forum and joined a long thread talking about the infamous Slenderman. "Who the heck is slenderman?!?!" he asked the forums. "Have you been sleeping under a rock, friend?" one of the forum members asked. "Guess i've been away from my computer for a long time, time for some research" Johnny said to himself. Johnny researched for roughly 5 hours studying the creature. "I have to find that" It was already nighttime and of course Johnny is a fearless man, then he went to the woods......

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