Not Everything is About You

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Not everyone is about you

I know that

Never said it was

All my life

When I'm asked if I need help

Or if I'm fine

I can never let them know

How I truly feel

I rather have people drag me with their words and bad mouthing

Then to ever admit to what is truly happening to me

Just because I did things

Said things

That were not in my place to say

Doesn't mean I didn't understand

I don't know why I'm writing this

Or know what to do

All I know is I'm sinking lower

Very low

Every single day when walking to school

I think and think whether I should keep going or give up

One thing for sure is no one will notice

I'll make sure that no one knows what really happened to me

I'll plan it out from start to end

The only thing it starts with me

And ends with me

It's already to late

I can see it everyday I wake up

Every night I loose sleep at the thought of it being too late for me

Something happened, that proved to me no one cares

If you know the right things to say and how to act

They will believe nothing is wrong

Going around telling those you mostly spend your time with is to be ready

Because your time may run out in any moment

So I'll give away the most precious things I once or still hold dear too

But even while planning no one is worthy of those things I want to give away too

I don't know if I still have hope

It's a constant cycle of relasping

Hoping and wishing

Because I go through it all alone no matter what

Letting someone help me means I'm not good enough. I'm stupid

Crying means I'm weak and pathetic

I once learned it is better to be the one who is hurting inside then to be the one who hurts other

Because I say sorry all the time like if it is my job

Maybe I'm saying sorry for not being able to excel in anything or not being able to be good at anything or be good enough

I failed in all areas

I know why you would never

Or more like no one will ever pick me

Because I'm a nobody

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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