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Dedicated To Toniaa_2 And moonpiesyum ❤️🖤

''Just on time'' Tia said,as I walked in,I could feel Professor Cunningham eyes on me,As I sat beside her.During class Prof Cunningham kept on giving me glances,and honestly it was getting annoying to the point I was annoyed,he went on his phone,then I felt my phone softly vibrated,against my thigh,I skillfully checked it without anyone seeing.

Stay Back After This Lecture




After class,I took my my time packing up and told Tia I'll go over to her house later.

This is my also chance to break off whatever we had with him.

I walked towards his desk,as he grabbed me and pushed me on his desk,attempting to wrap my legs around him.

''No don't I don't want to do this anymore'' I said sternly.


''What?Excuse Me?'' He said,while gripping my thigh tightly.

I grimaced in pain,he grabbed my chin forcing me to look in his eyes.

''Repeat That!'' He said,his voice laced with anger.

''I think its best if we stopped this'' I said motioning my hands between us.''I have a boyfriend now and Mauri's my friend and I-''

''Shut the fuck up,that never stopped you,why now?'' he cut me off gripping my chin with a little bit more force.

I averted my eyes towards the floor.

''Look at me,FUCKING LOOK AT ME'' He shouted,making me jump.

''This isn't over until I say its over got it'' He exclaimed fuming with anger.

I didn't answer to him,so he gripped my throat choking me.


I nodded furiously.

''I'm sure you don't want to be homeless and those little cash you're getting every month would stop too''He said

I've already stopped spending the cash he sent me,I've put them in an envelope to return to him.

He removed his grasp from my throat,turning around.I grabbed my bag took out the envelope,and his apartment key.

''Here'' I said,slamming it onto the desk.

''I'm done with YOU,I Don't want anything to do with you and if u ever try to talk to me again,Ill tell Mauri about us'' I said.

''You wouldn't,you'd lose a friend'' He replied

''Then so be it,your. time. has. expired.periodt.'' I said slowly making sure he heard every single words,''Just imagine how drastically your reputation would fall when words out that you were messing around with your student,unethical right Professor''I smirked.

''You BITCH!'' He shouted,swinging around so fast,his hand almost hit me in the face,luckily I backed away quickly.

He rushed towards me,throwing my body on the floor,holding my hands in place above my head.

''I'll fuck you so hard then I'll make sure you regret saying that '' He shouted

''Utterly pathetic'' I laughed in his face.

Kill Him

I smiled to myself,as his hand connected to my face whipping my head to the left,I could taste the metallic taste in my mouth,as he slapped me over and over again.He ripped my shirt open,as the door banged open.


''What the fuck?!''

Adonis rushed over,I began my acting and started crying,Adonis dragged him off me and began punching him repeatedly,until his face was unrecognizable.


He continued punching him until he was unconscious.Then he rushed over and hugged me.

''You're okay now Desiree,he wont hurt you anymore''

''I-I-I thought he was gonna rape me,thanks for saving me'' I faked cried.

''Don't worry we'll report him,so he'll never do this to any other girl again''

He touched my face gently looking at the bruise,and clenched his fist.

''Come on I'll take you home'' Adonis said.

''I cant,he's my landlord'' I whispered,softly.

''Fuck,then you can stay with me then'' He said softly,pulling me in his arm walking out grabbing my bag,after he made a call.

He place me on the back seat of his car,kissed my forehead,then went around to the drivers seat and drove off.

I pull out my phone seeing a message from Kai,my heart literally skipped a beat,and a smile made its way on my face.

Kai: Hey Baby? Are You Okay?

Me: No I miss you :(

The car came to a stop,as Adonis helped me out as we walked to his house.He helped me on the couch.

''I'll be right back I'll go get the first aid kit'' He said.

I took out my phone hoping to get a reply from Kaito but saw none.I exhaled.

Adonis came back,with the kit and began cleaning my bruises.

''You wanna talk about it?'' He whispered.

I shook my head.

''You hungry?'' he asked.

I smiled softly nodding.

He laughed softly and went to the kitchen,bring back food.I ate in silence,while he sat opposite from me,watching me.It made me felt awkward but oh well.

''You can sleep here'' he said.

''You sure?'' I asked.

''Yeah,we'll sort this out in the morning'' He replied,kissing me on the forehead.

''You can sleep in the guest room,its the first one upstairs to the right,Goodnight Desiree''


~Ik Short And May Need Editing I'm Having Writers Block😪😭 It's Like I Know Where The Story Is Heading But I Don't Know How To Put It On Paper/Words Or I'm Clueless Not Knowing What To Write~

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