The Wonder House

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No one heard me. A boy, with black hair and green eyes, dressed in a black tailor suit. Nobody cared whether or not I existed. I was a servant of the "Wonder House." A place where reality was warped and twisted in both good and bad ways. It all depended on how our "master" felt about every one of us. For me, she was heartless: seeming to weigh over two-hundred pounds, gray hair piled on the top of her head, along with beady eyes. The "master" was a living nightmare...

One afternoon, two guests came by. A man and his assistant, wanting to rent a room and eat a hot meal. The master laughed and with elegance (if you could call it that) led them to one of our nicest tables. Master, once seated with her guests, began to look for one of her slaves. Since I had already finished helping another one of our guests, I was the only one available to her. Everyone else was still busy with other things. Clearly with disgust, Master beckoned me over.

"Take their orders." She commanded.

Obediently, I turn towards the two men. Once had black hair--like myself--brown eyes and was short in stature. The other, his assistant, had silver hair and cold blue eyes. When I glanced at him, it sent shivers down my spine--so I looked away. "Welcome to the Wonder House. How may I serve you?" I say, being polite to them. It didn't matter if I liked our guests or not, it only mattered if they had money. Master is controlled by her own greed and if she doesn't receive money from her patrons, the slaves are then blamed and abused. Either way, nobody cares about us...

"We'd like some sweet rolls and a pitcher of rum." The man with brown eyes said. The assistant agreed with him, only nodding his head. I could definitely tell who the more powerful one was...

"Well, don't just stand there!" Master huffed, bringing me back to reality. "Go get their food first, then their drink." She said, smiling. Obeying like a dog, I headed towards the kitchen up on the twelfth floor. I don't remember much on the way up. I normally tune everything out since no one talks to me. Everyone in this house treats me like the plague, so they don't even bother coming near me....

Finally on the desired floor, I retrieve a dish of rolls and head back down to the first floor. With a sigh, I started back down the stairs...

"Ah, here we are gentlemen. Your food has arrived." Master said, as soon as I placed the food on the table. The men instantly reached out and grabbed one roll apiece.

"These are so good Madame!" Brown-eyes said. "Indeed." Replied blue-eyes.

Once Master was pleased watching the men eat, she then ordered me to retrieve their rum. With an inward sigh, I headed back towards the stairs. "Here we go again." I muttered, looking up. At first, I saw mirrors within mirrors, containing stairwells within. In this house, a wrong staircase could cause death. In my case, I knew every one of them because whenever I had the pleasure of being left alone, I would explore this mysterious place. Allowing me to know and remember, so I can perform my duties with ease; creating another reason why the others hated me. They think I treated my duty as a game, while they have to work hard just to stay in the Wonder House, pleasing our master.

They were right in a way. I did treat this place as a game. I knew there was a world that existed outside of this house and I was determined to get to it. So, I pretended that this miserable place was a game, always hoping to win and be freed from my chains of slavery, for that is what this truly was...

After ascending the stairs once more, I retrieved the pitcher of rum and started going back down. I had just made it to the third floor when I heard three voices behind me. "Where are you going little boy?" a girl's voice asked, as another two chuckled. Ignoring them, I continued walking.

"Hey, she's talking to you!" A boy shouted, this time grabbing the arm holding the pitcher, spilling some. Not revealing my sudden anger, I removed his hand. "I don't care." I told them, turning once more towards the stairway to go down. I swear I could feel the boy's angry aura behind me, and I prepared myself for the assault. He took me by surprise though because instead of hitting me, he hit the pitcher, causing it to fly down the stairs. I was so angry at him for ruining my chance at freedom, that I had almost missed the Master shouting, "What's going on?!"

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