Nyantic's Little Frankenstein

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Pushing open the decrepit door, Ayana huffs to herself. "You sure this is the place oh knowledgeable agent?" Raising her rifle while the door opens to a damp dark building. The k9 turns her attention to the two agents her squad was paired with. Grunting while she quickly glances the shark over. Paying more attention to the wolf agent as she brushes past. "Yes, now don't get snarky. All scans point here." Ayana watches the wolf as she loads her rifle. Glossing over the heavy-duty weapon before speaking up. "Shouldn't a sniper be for a place less.. Cramped?" Suddenly the sharks hand lands on her shoulder. The agent named Vini shrugs while moving her hand off. "Vina knows. Now come on doggy." The shark pads off with her sister. Leaving Ayana to wave her hand for her squad of five to follow into the building.The darkness of the building barely stalled by their flashlights. Scurrying away as they shine their lights over. But overly happy to engulf the surroundings when the beams move away. Ayana watches the two agents walking a little ahead. Turning to her second in command with a scoff. "Can you believe this..? Putting us with not one... But two agents! Skull squad is always known for capturing or killing claden... Why send two of the cavalry with us for one damn claden?" Getting a hushed reply from the man. "Remember... This is Nyantic. Anything is possible alright? Calm your tits Ayana... They wouldn't send them unless we needed them.." Semi-satisfied with his answer the dog presses onwards. Noticing now the agents keeping a close eye to their scanners. The wolf raising a hand to call the group to a halt. Having not heard the wolf speak yet, Ayana shudders as the velvet words come out. "There are two signals. I suggest we split into two squads to deal with this quickly." Grumbling Ayana steps forwards with a shake of her head. "Denied. We would just become an easier target for what? Using less time. I say we go in one group and thoroughly scan through here." Shuddering as the wolfs cold deep blue eyes bore into her. "Fine." Her words seeming heavy as she then starts to walk off. Ayana replying. "W-where are you going?!" Raising a hand the wolf replies. "I'll take the lesser signal. You people take the bigger. And that's an order."An hour passes with no further communication with the wolf agent. Ayana grumbles as she stares at the sharks tail in front of her. Having checked room after room of empty space. She notices her squad getting frustrated, almost anxious. "Vini? Can't we just follow the signal and find this claden?" The shark seeming confused at first she turns. "That's what we've been doing.." Growling now the dog shakes her head. "And pray tell where is this Claden eh? Any of you got a lea-" Having turned to her squad she freezes. Noticing one now missing. "Drake? Did we leave drake behind?" The others shrug, seeming to have now only noticed. Ayana grumbles as she presses her comms. "Drake. This is commander Ayana, report." A few seconds follow of eerie silence. Before a shrill scream echoes through the halls. The dog quickly running to a sprint, signalling the others to follow through the corridors. In a swift turn she slips, hitting the ground hard with a splash. One of her men help her stand before backing up suddenly, cursing out as he shines his flashlight on her. The back of Ayana's armor now covered in a sticky red liquid. A soft voice then stutterly speaks. "G-g.. guys..?" Shining her flashlight forwards. The light meets a morbid sight. A barely recognizable corpse lays torn in half. Blood splattered across the floor and walls. "Holy shi-.." Falling quiet Ayana covers her mouth. Taking a soft step closer, feeling her gut wrench. On the armband of the desecrated corpse lays the name 'Drake'. Quickly raising her rifle alongside the others as a clatter sounds off. The beams flashing over a large black body soaked in blood. In inhuman speed it slinks out of a doorway. Five bullets ricochet off it from the group. "Fucking hell! Everyone backup!" Vini shouts as she growls under her helmetA grueling hour passes, leaving only three of the group. Vini, Ayana, and Diane. Ayana shivers as she reloads her rifle. "Everything! Fucking.. That.. That thing took everything we threw at it!! What the FUCK is it?!" Leaning on a wall the agent takes quick breaths. Reloading her own gun before checking her belt. "No fucking clue.. But its obviously bullet proof.. and.." Pointing to an empty emp charge slot she sighs. "Impervious to Emp.. Which is.. Just.. Fuck man.." While they talk Diane shivers, blurting out suddenly. "We're all going to die!! W-we have to get out of here!!" Dropping her gun she backs to the wall. Wrapping her arms around her head before laughing. Vini and Ayana exchange a glance before the dog steps to her. "Diane.. Its going to be fine.. We just need to get out of he-" Cut off as the woman draws her pistol on her. "Fine?! FINE?! We just say Blake get fucking SCEWAWRD. AND YOU THINK WE'RE FINE?!" A soft hiss fills the air, causing Diane to scream. Before a clawed hand rips through the wall. Easily boring through and out, it impales the woman. Causing her to stutter before looking down. Blood gushing out of three new wounds through her chest. With a rip upwards the woman's top half is severed. The hand tearing back as Ayana aims her rifle. Unloading half of her clip into the wall. "Fucking.. Diane!" As the smoke clears from debris, a smooth scaled form emerges. The snake-like creature staring directly at Ayana before a resounding growl echo's. Vini quickly pushes Ayana aside before a claw slams her aside. Causing the agent to skid on the floor before slamming against the wall. Her head slumping while the snake hisses. Turning back to Ayana, her tensing up. Feeling her fingers slip she drops her gun, taking a step back timidly. "God.. H-help me.." Suddenly the snake lurches forwards. All vision vanishing inside the creatures maw. A sickening snap followed by a thud comes out fading. A sickly gulp before the camera stutters. Fading to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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