One more U-Turn !

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Urvil was coming back home, after being rejected at one interview. Urvil was an engineer. He has four years of experience. The interviewer said that he lacks an experience for the position of marketing executive. And he should at least have a degree or diploma certificate in the marketing field. If not, at least skills.

And a bike, in full speed took over him.

"Bloody youngsters!", he said after being taken over.

Urvil feels that this generation doesn't have patience. He also believes they lack the foreseeing ability. And jumps into situations quickly and sometimes unnecessarily.

But don't you think, that's the thing by which the youth is defined?
You give them a spark, and they make it fire.You show them a path, and they will walk until end.You show them a fashion, and they make it trend.

It's quite strange; the most powerful age group of society is vulnerable too.

They can be easily misguided. Urvil believes in above lines too. While he was busy thinking above, he saw the biker getting slipped on taking U-TURN. And suddenly crowd gathered there. Urvil went closer to see the incident. And he realized he was the same boy who overtook him a minute ago. Luckily, he was safe except for some scratches on his bike.

Realizing the seriousness of situation, crowd started getting dispersed. Urvil decided to give boy a piece of advice on patience and traffic discipline. He did some and lastly he said, "Buddy, we should slow down a vehicle, before taking U-turn." The words hit hard to the core, but of URVIL. He realized why he got rejected.

It's quite strange, sometimes the advice we give to someone are exactly the advice which should be given to ourselves. I think those are the words which should be said to us by us only. If someone else would have said that we would have ignored it but a person can't ignore himself.

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