Instagram Kisses - Elu

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instagram: lucallemant posted a photo

lucallemant: wishing I had a bf/gf to chat shit to so studying bio wasn't so boring :/

@srodulv liked your post

@srodulv commented: :p

Lucas stares down at his phone in confusion, why was Eliott of all people commenting on his post, one that wasn't even serious. Not really anyways, Lucas would love some company right now to stop him going out if his mind from boredom, but his friends were somewhere...

Lucas decided he didn't want to know after he'd text one of the boys asking where he was, and in reply had received a string of suggestive emojis.

So not an option then.

Back to the issue at hand though, Lucas was still confused. He and Eliott had spoken before, quite a lot actually since Eliott was in his Biology class and they were often paired together for experiments. Lucas liked Eliott a lot, from the outside he seemed all dark and mysterious but after just a few classes talking to him Lucas found he was basically an open book, only for the people he liked though, Eliott's words, not his. Lucas remembers blushing madly when Eliott had said that to him.

That was the problem, Eliott was hot. Like ridiculously, like no human should actually be allowed to look like that because it's quite frankly bad for Lucas' health. And he may have a small crush on the boy.

They'd never talked outside of class though, they were in completely different friendship groups and besides passing smiles in the corridors moving from class to class, they never interacted with each other.

And now Eliott was commenting on his post, a post with that caption, and Lucas doesn't know how he's meant to feel about that. He's always been too scared to say anything to Eliott through the app, even though they'd followed each other a few months ago.

Lucas' phone lit up again.

@srodulv sent you a message

His heart does something weird in his chest. He tells himself he's just being ridiculous and opens the message.

@srodulv: you need a study buddy? xx

Lucas' heart was suddenly hammering in his chest, because why had Eliott suddenly decided to contact him after that particular post? But then Eliott had also called him 'buddy', and Lucas was getting seriously mixed signals here. He pushed back his thoughts and replied.

@lucallemant : yesss bored out of my mind :p xx

And apparently kisses were a thing they sent to each other, Lucas seriously had no idea what was happening.

@srodulv: me too, your place or mine? xx

Lucas couldn't help the way his eyes widened at that, he knew that definitely wasn't what Eliott meant but-

@srodulv: that sounded a bit suggestive huh? oops xx

Lucas shook his head and couldn't keep the fond smile off his face, a smile that he always seemed to get when it comes to Eliott, whether it be because Eliott's in the middle of telling Lucas some ridiculous story or messed up something in an experiment, pouting at Lucas when he laughs at him. It's always way too fond but Eliott's never said anything about it, always just smiled back brightly making Lucas maybe possibly fall a bit in love with him.

It's a wonder they've never met up outside of school, they get on so well after all, that's probably Lucas' fault for being so shy, but then Eliott has never said anything either.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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