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The deep inhale through the one side of my nose with a rolled up dollar bill in and the other nostril closed with my finger.
"Ah, what a nice way to end senior year with a bang." I thought to myself in a complete utter mess of a party a fellow senior was having. I wipe my nose quickly and put the dollar bill on the counter and walked away to get a drink. I am walking to the drink table. Closer.. Closer.. Cl- "Umph!" I cry out as I wack myself up against the table. My idiotic brother yelled across the room, "Watch out Junior!! Sick party, huh!?!" I don't respond to him but all I can do is mutter to myself sarcastically, "Oh yeah James! Completely!" I hated the nickname Junior. Mom has called me Junior since... Forever. I end up getting myself a drink. As I lean up against the counter with my solo cup in hand, I swish it around. I make a little whirlpool. As I stare at the whirlpool in my cup I start to think about when our family was together. That one time we had a pool in our backyard and we always made crazy whirlpools and such. Agh, who cares? My phone buzzes in my back pocket. I take it out. I get a message from Chris that reads,

"Heard you're at a killer party, me too. Same one as you. ;)"
I lock my screen and toss my phone on the counter. I scoff and sit on the counter. I know I shouldn't be here. I'm an addict; to alcohol AND cocaine. My phone buzzes again. My dealer, Dylan. I sigh and yet open my phone like a complete moron. The message reads,
"Hey Jr, got some more ❄️ and got some weed today. Buy snow and i'll throw some pot in."
Back at it with that dumb ass name. Ugh. I shoot back a text,
"Hey, meet at Taco Bell in 20? usual."
"Of course. See you then!"
Who knew selling drugs made someone so happy. Yikes.. Hopped off the counter and took my phone with me to tell James i'm leaving. I asked some weird white girl where my brother might be. She point to bedroom door. I open, "Hey James, I- Come on James! We aren't even at home! What even?" From that sentence, you fill in the blank.
"Oh hey Junior. What's going on?"
"I'm going to meet Dylan up at Taco bell and after i'll probably go home."
Before he could finish I shut the door and basically wanted to gauge my eyes out with a spoon. I grab my keys out my bra. I walk towards the front door stepping over passed out girls on the floor. I walk out front and get into my car. I put my keys in ignition but do not start yet. I put on some fire music because you already know what's up. I put on my favorite song in the world. The usual - CalenRaps. That song spoke to me like nothing else. I start my car and drive off. I start driving and get to a red light and look to my left. I saw someone who looked like i've known them forever. I smile and they look at me and wink. Oh. Hell. No.. No one was there actually. I was hallucinating obviously. The light turns green. I keep going. I turn left into Taco Bell. I put my car in park and just as I did, here comes Dylan. I unlock the car door so he can get in shotgun. "Hey Junior, I know every time you want to meet here because you like it so I got your food today. I had got here early."
"You didn't have to but thanks." I took the bag from him and sat it on my lap. He's had a crush on me FOREVER. Although, I don't think i'll ever like him. "Don't think nothing of it."
"How much I owe you?"
As I hand him the money he gives me the products. I take it and smile and fiddle with the bag. He goes to get out the car but before he leaves he tells me something that i will remember forever. He Looks at me and says, "I get i'm just a drug dealer, but we've been friends since we we're 7. I wish you could break this habit but i'll be here for you regardless." I stopped playing with the bag. I looked at him. "You're right.. but it's not that easy."
He sighs and closes the car door and walks back to his car. I start my car back up and pull out of the Taco Bell parking lot. Pondering what Dylan said I wanted to check on my dad and James. I ended up driving to my dad's house. I see the door looked like it's been kicked in. Uh, okay.. Wack? So, I walk up to the door I hear a grunt. Too deep to be James pounding some little blonde bitches brains out. I walk in. 25 feet in.. It's my dad. He's been stabbed multiple times.. Oh fuck. "Dad!? What happened?"
"I- umph - ugh."
I grab my phone and dial 911.
"Ambulance and Police. 1759 E 172nd. My dad has been stabbed."
Basically, I forgot to mention my mom left my dad because of drugs and such. Although, my dads the drug lord of our area. Actually, our state. Fuck..
I'm losing him. I can't. I can't. I hear sirens approaching I run outside.
"Are you Junior?" a paramedic asks as the rest go through the door inside.
"Are you okay? Were you harmed during this?"
I space out and stare inside. That's the house i grew up and the house I might lose my dad in. Wow.. How's that feel? It's.. It's dumb. It's sad. Please send he-
"My bad. Where were we?"
"The man inside the hou-"
"My dad. He was stabbed. When I got here the door had been kicked in. I don't know much more than that."

"Thank you ma'am. We'll try our best." 

I should call James.. I go back to my car and I paces my hands on the wheel and look down. I start to sob. This is so devastating. What is gonna even happen? What the hell? I pull out my phone and start to dial James. 

"Heyoo Junior."

"James.. I need you to come to dad's."

"What? Why?"

"I went to get my stuff from Dylan and when I was about to leave.. Something told me to go check on dad. So I did and i'm glad I did because he might've just died if no one came. Either way, dad was stabbed and I want you to come here." 

"I'm on my way."

The dial tone broke my heart and I don't understand why. There was no reason. Who could've done this? Why? Who ever the hell did this will pay for this. Not with cash little do they know. Mark my words as of this current moment. They. Will. Pay.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2019 ⏰

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