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The way she appeared was almost robotic in a way, it was hard to believe somebody like her was even a human.

That's what they always told her anyway.

They were cruel, raising a child to be a weapon of war.

Her talent was truly unremarkable, she was one of a kind.

She didn't quite understand how to interact with others, her social communication was practically nonexistent.

But, damn did she know how to pretend.


It had been approximately half a year since the members of the RFA had met an unsuspecting stranger.

They only knew her by her screen name, it was almost as if any trace of her had been erased completely. Her existence was one that the vermillion haired hacker couldn't even decipher.

She was truly a mystery, and even still, a potential threat.

Agent 707, Luciel Choi.

He held the cold can of PH.d Peper to his lips, water droplets trickled down the sides of the can as his warm breath escaped from his parted lips.

He took a sip and set the can beside him on the desk, his fingers returning to their place on his keyboard. The sound of the keys clicking rang through his ears.

His eyes were fixated on the screen. Despite it appearing as though he was working, the hacker had instead continued his search for the identity of the mysterious woman that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

It was still strange to him. The answer was never quite clear.

Who was she?

Where did she come from?

How did she find and successfully infiltrate into the RFA messenger?

He was sure his algorithm was complex enough that only he could decode it.

Half a year of this continuous search had yielded him no answers, it was as though her existence had been covered up by something or someone.

His fingers gently danced across his phone screen, the temptation rising to enter the messenger.

After internally arguing with himself, he gave in to the temptation and went into the messenger.

To his surprise, however. The mysterious woman had made her appearance in the messenger,


707: Halley... it's late. You're still up.?

Halley: Hey, Seven. Shouldn't you be working?

707: Yes, but I got curious.

Halley: Oh yeah? What about? Is it perhaps about myself? Disclosing personal information isn't exactly my forte, nor is it yours. Is that correct?

707: It's been almost a full year now. I don't even know your name. Is there some kind of secret you're hiding?

Halley: A secret huh? I'd like to know more about myself as well....

Have you any luck finding any information?

Or is it too difficult even for you?

Do you yield? Or will you persist?

707: lolol halley you're so serious. No i didn't find any info about u

But i won't give up lol

Halley: Is that so? How about we make this into a game then?

707: What kind of game are you thinking?

Halley: I'll give you exactly eleven days. Each day you'll receive a new hint. On the tenth day, I'll drop a hint about my location. If you can find me, I'll tell you everything.

707: So will you be my prize then? Lolol

Halley has left the chatroom


On the other side of the fence, stood a girl, staring up at the night sky. The moon illuminated the outline of her physique, highlighting her most prominent feature.

"It's hard to pretend to be a normal person. How can I pretend to be something I'm not? This is truly a phenomenon. Just to have my heart racing at an alarming rate, what is this feeling?" The girl raised her hand up to the sky, holding it over the moon, as if she were trying to grasp onto it.

Slowly she placed the back of her raised hand on her forehead.

"Perhaps I'm running a fever." She muttered to herself, "I better inform the general."

"Miss, it's time for your training. Make haste." She spun around to face the voice.

"Yes right away." She responded with a salute as she watched the soldier take his leave. Muttering one final sentence under breath before following suit,

"707, I'll be waiting for you."


Luciel sat back against his chair, his phone in hand.

The previous conversation had somehow set off alarms in his head, would she really reveal her location? It didn't sit right with him. It was like she was just asking for him to find her, but why? Was she in some sort of trouble?

He was puzzled.

Her appearance had been sudden, just as they had been dealing with a crisis of their own. A battle between the hackers. At first, he believed she was an innocent bystander in the situation, but as time went on it proved not to be the case.

However, she might be in alliance with his rival, the hacker who had been dead set on destroying the RFA. It seemed to add up,

Mystery girl appears and then a hacker starts attacking the messenger. Even though things had died down over the course of a few months, it still bothered him that V didn't think anything of it, just allowed her to stay within the RFA as a member, but requested them to refrain from disclosing any confidential information about the organization. Unfortunately, the hacker has resurfaced. Maybe she's in danger? It was hard to say. She was very secretive.

In a way, Luciel had felt that Halley was just like him. The way she hides her identity, the way her existence feels nonexistent. Perhaps she really was in danger, involved in something she shouldn't be.

The only way Luciel would ever be able to find out who Halley really is, would be to play her game and speculate.

"Man, this girl is really getting inside my head." He groaned, dropping his phone as his hands crashed into his messy hair.

"I can't believe she's getting to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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