I would scream down nintey mountians
to less than dust,
I would for you,
you, whom I do not entirely know
nearly as well as anyone would guess
I would scream down nintey mountians
and sevreal large foothills,
if i thought it would change anything.
I would write down every word
I plan to learn
imressing those above and below me
waiting to be impressed
I would write every word I know,
if I thought they would mean more to you
than my silence.
I would sing ever song,
and dacne every dance,
and project my voice and name,
and projesct my thoughts and ideas,
onto a scream as empty
as these words.
I would,
there is nothing for me to promise on,
but you can take these words as they are,
because they are all I am.
I would write poetry,
day and night,
fternoons and dawns,
and other times,
as the Earth dissolves.
I would write you new mountains,
of sorrow and love,
of loss and anger,
and forgiveness and humor and sunlight,
and tourture and revenge and solitude,
but i know that
every word that pours from me
just falls,
through the vail of dissapointment.
never the less,
I would scream them down,
to dust and ashes,
for you...