Chapter 1: Change of fates

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No matter what happens I'll keep on moving. Until this life runs out of me I'll keep on walking


A sharp, and gut-wrenching sound penetrated the silence calling everyone to attention. The place itself was an old graveyard. Its tombstones crooked as ever, and mist curled around said tombstones and covered the ground from view with its thin density. A crow flew from one tombstone to another. Suddenly it tilted its head and looked down at the lonely child curled in on himself on the ground, weeping quietly, with his strange red and deformed arm lying beside him limply almost as if he couldn't use it anymore. The crow gave out a loud shriek then flew elsewhere, passing by the demonic looking man with a top hat and bright yellow glasses, and flying to the darkness.

The Millennium Earl stood in front of the child staring down at him with both anger, and curiosity. Anger, because a mere boy could defeat one of his Akuma, albeit a freshly turned Akuma, but nevertheless. No child, exorcist or not should be able to defeat and Akuma so easily, which brought him to his next emotion. Curiosity.

When he had seen the boy's hand incapacitated the Akuma he had almost vanished right there and then, seeing as there was no point in staying behind and watch the child kill the Akuma, but then he had felt something odd. Something incredibly odd, and something that caused his hair to rise. Something he knew, but couldn't quite place, and that unknown thing forced him to stay. That and him not feeling the desire to kill the boy even though he was a possible future exorcist, which was strange. Every Noah, including himself, felt the need to destroy innocence, and kill exorcists. It was in their blood. So why hadn't he felt that? In fact, just thinking about killing the boy made him angry, and unwilling to cause him any harm. The only time he had ever felt like that was when...

The Earl giggled wickedly and bent his back slightly so he was almost face to face with the crying boy who seemed in shock.

"Say exorcist, mind telling me who you are?" He asked with a giggle at the end. Not at all caring that the child was in shock, or that he had forced him to kill his own father.

The now recently turned white-haired boy didn't look up at the Earl right away, he kept staring emptily at the ground. It was only after what felt like minutes he looked up and looked at the Earl with shook and sadness. His eyes were red and puffy from crying, and his nose had a slight hint of snot on it, but the boy didn't care to clean it. He simply looked straight at the Earl with the familiar cold eyes he had seen on humans who had lost everything after he turned their loved ones into akumas. And though he had seen and done the same thing to countless other humans, and though he felt no pity or sadness for them - for some reason- he could feel something stir inside of him, something small and something he couldn't fathom why he was feeling towards a human which made him wonder even more who this boy was.

"Well, then?" He giggled ones more, but the child didn't so much as blink and kept staring at him with the same distant expression.

The Earl shifted on his spot impatiently. It wouldn't do to stay here all day and risk any other pesky exorcists coming about this area and cause problems.

The Earl placed Lero on his shoulder and knelt down in front of the boy, and looked at him straight in the eyes, and though most humans were usually frightened or frightened by his appearance, the boy simply stared straight at into his eyes with little emotions.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2019 ⏰

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