Pilot Episode: The Sleep Over

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**A/N: I think I suck at writing lol so please through the poor sentences. Basically this story is about one of the oddball crew members talking about their crushes yet one of them has their crush hear it and this is what happens!**

The group had decided on having a sleepover one night. Actually Dee and Lillie decided on this since Anzu declined saying she needed to study for the exan we had on Monday, Morin isn't into it, Vasco was just Vasco, and Duke said he'd rather fell out a window than do that which Anzu shockingly agreed with him. Although they all declined their over begging made only Anzu and Duke crack. Thus two of the oddballers were at Anzu's house for this said sleepover.

"What do you do at a sleepover exactly?" Anzu asked uninterested.

Lillie sat criss cross apple sauce trying to fix up her hair pins to push his bangs to the side,"Well when I had sleepover with people we'd gossip about the boys we like, have pillow fights, do each others hair, share some make up tips, etc."

"I have no boy crush, hitting me with a pillow will result in this sleep over being over, you're only allowed to braid my hair, and I only wear lip stick." Anzu replied sternly.

Lillie squealed in delight at the braiding hair part. She quickly jumped on the bed to begin braiding Anzu's hair. Anzu sighed at Lillie only listening to the braiding part but went back to studying. Dee plopped on the bed side ways having his head hang off the bed.

"That's typical Anzu haha! So who do you have a crush on Lillie?" Dee asked laying on the bed playing with his phone.

"That's easy I like Vasco!" She said with no hesitation.

Anzu choked on her spit and Dee fell off the bed. They both looked at her with wide eyed. Lillie a girl with a cutesy look and cleanliness appearance likes Vasco the most roughest, and reckless guy in the world. Anzu sat properly while Dee tries to think of what lillie sees in Vasco since he sees a bro who has 0% brains and 100% brawns

"Why that idiot?" Anzu asked in disbelief.

Lillie gasped while looking at her,"Vasco isn't an idiot Anzu! He is just a big cinnamon roll who likes to help others. He never judges anyone for what anything because he wants to understand their point of view!"

"Vasco is equivalent to a dog. They too noisey, and messy." She bluntly replied.

Before Lillie can answer Dee begins to sing a school they use to sing in middle school,"Lillie and Vasco sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, First come love, next comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage!" Dee chimed.

Lillie faced turned tomato red before slamming a pillow into Dee's face. Dee pulled the pillow off laughing at lillie's sudden reaction to the little teasing. Anzu pinches the bridge of her nose probably thinking why did she say yes to this idea.

"W-Who do you like Dee since you're having fun with this!" Lillie squealed.

"Who do I like. Hmmm ... that's a hard answer." Dee responded while scratching his head.

Anzu brain click at the answer before her lips formed a big mischievous smile and she whispered into Lillie's ear. Lillie in respond to the sudden whispers giggled at what she heard. Dee frowned at the two giggling girls. He sat down on the bed until their giggle fit was over.

"What's soo funny? I don't have who I like!" He muttered.

"Suuure you don't Duke!" Lillie cooed at him.

"D-D-Duke?! No way! He is rude, selfish, mean, and a completely A-hole to everybody! Why would you say that Lillie?!" Dee stamper out his mouth.

"I see you put a Bento box in his backpack. Normally those girls in those animes you watch do that someone they like." Anzu answered

"I do that for Vasco and Morin too!!!" Dee quickly said.

"Yeah but you never shaped the riceball as little hearts for them." Lillie stated.

"I, uh, did that because I like to do that for people so they know their loved yeah!" He blurted out.

"You're so bad at lying. Just admit you like him" Lillie cooed at him.

With his face slightly red, Dee turned his head before mumbling something. Anzu and Lillie looked at each pther before one of them spoke up to the mumbling boy.

Lillie snickered,"I couldn't hear that please speak up."

"Yeah you went from 10 to a 2 on the voice meter so it was hard to hear." Anzu added.

Dee sighed before speaking,"Yeah I like him. Now you can-"

Lillie and Anzu began singing,"Dee and Duke sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G, First come love, next comes marriage, then comes a baby in the baby carriage!"

"Just kill me now...."Dee uttered as his cover his face with his hands while his face grow redder.

A thud of a bag stopped their little teasing and shock kicked into the mixed. Lillie covered her mouth while Anzu simple stare back at him. Dee only hid his face even more knowing that he heard everything. Duke stare daggers at each one going from Lillie to Anzu and finally Dee.

"So you're the person who keep putting so damn bento boxes in my backpack and here I'm thinking It's a stupid fangirl." He finally spoke up.

"D-Does that mean you like the bento box?" Dee asked still covering his face.

"And the person who gave it...?" Lillie asked in awe.

"Let's get the record straight though, I only like the bento box because his cooking skills aren't mediocre like those girls yet that doesn't mean I like the person who gave it to me. I'm not the lovey dovey type to anyone got it." Duke harshly spat.

"He was right you are A-hole..." Anzu whispered.

"How rude! He took the time out of his day to make those and you can't even give a tha-" Dee stops her mid sentence by stretching his hand out to haul her.

"It's fine haha! The fact that he stated I cook better than those girls who cook for him is a good ole thank you to me." Dee stated somewhat smiling.

The four dorks went downstairs to watch some movies. Anzu only had two soare blankets so lillie took one while Dee shared with Duke. They decided on a Disney movies even though only Dee and Lillie were the inky ones singing the entire movie. Duke found the movie too childish and Anzu was at the island counter still studying.

"Let it goooo! Let it goooo! Can't hold it back anymooorre!" Dee and Lillie sang together.

Two hours passed of watching movies for the four but only two people were up, which were Anzu and Duke. Lillie was circled up in the blanket sleeping on the couch arm rest while Dee was brushing up against Duke's arm fast asleep. Duke notice and simply throw the blanket they had on the couch into him more as he snuggled into his arm.

"I thought you did do "lovey dovey" stuff." She laughed.

Duke faced turned slightly red before muttering,"Shut up..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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