-Chapter 1-

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   There I was, sinking farther away from the glistening surface of the ocean. Saltwater slowly filled my nose and left a salty taste on my tongue. I gasped for air but all I got was a lung full of water. I started to cough but there was no use. "Ryko!" I heard a soft voice shout. "Ryko!" It shouted again.

  I woke up with a start. I sat up to rapidly from my bed that I felt dizzy all of a sudden."Ryko get your butt out of bed, we are all waiting downstairs already." The voice said. I turned my head to the right and saw my best friend; Kiro standing next to my bed.

"What's up with that face, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Kiro started to giggle.

"Oh, sorry," I said as I looked down at my lap, where I saw my bedsheets being clenched in my fists

"Hm? Why are you apologizing? Just get your but out of bed and come downstairs, okay?" Kiro said before he started marching down the stairs.

Before I got out of bed I starred out of my window to my right. Through the window, you could see the ocean glistening from the light of the rising sun. I saw a large dolphin silhouette swimming alone under the surface, I found that quite strange."How early did everyone even wake up? Definitely too early if it's still sunrise." I whispered to myself while smirking.

I unclenched my fist and threw my bed sheets to the right side of my bed. I stood up and made my way to the drawer. I pulled out my favorite black shirt with a moon and silhouettes of merfolk on it. I then pulled out some comfortable grey pants and tied my long brown hair up into a messy bun. 

Before I left the comfort of my room I stopped in front of the mirror. I slowly raised my hand to my cheek where there was a newly sprouted acne. "Guess I'll have to wash my face more often," I mumbled to myself while releasing a sigh. I looked at my reflection where my attention was stuck onto my brown eyes. My eyes were always the most beautiful feature on my body according to me. 

"RYKO!" I heard a Kiro shout from downstairs. His voice snapped me out of my thought train.

"Sorry! I'm coming already!" I shouted back. I quickly grabbed my pocket sketchbook and a pencil from my desk and stuffed them into my back pockets from my jeans. Then I quickly ran out the door and swung it close.

I skipped down the stairs, eager to see why they assembled everyone in such an early hour. I reached the last stair and bounced down on the floor. Suddenly, multiple voices starting echoing through the house. The voices are singing the 'Happy Birthday song'.  I stopped in my tracks and looked at the direction where the sound was coming from.  I instantly noticed my orange haired friend; Kiro, holding a cake in his hands with flaming candles. 

Kiro hands the cake to Mimi who has short raven hair and sparkly blue eyes. She struggles with the weight of the cake until Kane, a muscular but slim male with shiny golden hair and hazel eyes, helps her with it. Suddenly, Kiro's body slams into mine and we fall to the ground. He tightens his embrace around me.

"Happy birthday Ryko!" He shouts eagerly in my ear. As he lays on top of me I start to giggle from his unexpected actions.

"Thank you," I shout back into his ear.

"Hey, you don't have to kill my eardrums now." He says with a pouting face.

"Heh, I could say the same to you," I respond. He starts to get off of me and gives me his hand to help me stand up. I grab his hand and let him pull me up on my feet.

"Come on, Ryko. Blow out your candles, and don't forget to make a wish." Mimi's soft voice called me over. I nod eagerly and walk over to Kane and Mimi where they are both holding the cake with outstretched hands for me to blow. I notice the flames dancing on top of the candles before I blow it out and make my wish. Mimi and Kane then set the cake down on the table behind them and start clapping. A few seconds later Kiro joins in with the clapping. 

Once the clapping fades, Kiro grabs me by the wrist and pulls me out of the house to the deck. I see Mimi and Kane follow shortly after. Kiro stops abruptly causing me to bump into him, but he doesn't move a centimeter, as if I was weightless. He then steps to the side revealing a wooden table with three different colored presents. I knew that the light blue wrapped one was clearly from Mimi. There was also an orange wrapped gift and on top of both was a green wrapped gift. 

"Aw, you guys didn't have to," I said with a quiet voice. "You know that as long as I have you guys I don't need any gifts," I added. 

"Nonsense!" Kiro said with his hands on his hips. 

"It's your birthday, everyone deserves at least one gift on their birthday!" Kane added from behind us. 

I smiled brightly at all three of them before I walked forward and reached out for the light blue gift. I unwrapped it carefully so I don't destroy the paper. I noticed a silver thin chain poking out so I grabbed it and pulled it out. I raised it to the item hanging from the chain was eye level with me. On the chain was a light green stone that glistened in the sun. I turned to Mimi as I put the necklace on.

"Thank you," I said to her before grabbing the orange wrapped present. I once again opened it carefully. Inside of it was a teacup with my favorite quote on it; 'The ocean is deeper than you think.' I carefully placed the teacup on the table next to me and turned to Kane.

"Thank you," I said with a bright smile. I then turned back to the table and was about to grab the last gift, but then Kiro's voice sounded.

"Watch out Ryko!" He yelled. I turn towards my friends, but before I can move out the way, a large seagull bumps into my chest and pushes me into the water. I feel the water embracing my body as I slowly sink. I hear multiple rapid and loud footsteps from above, but all I can do is reach my hand out to the surface as if I wanted to grab something. This feels so familiar. The taste of saltwater entered my mouth. I gasped for hair, but all I got was salt water. I coughed from me holding my breath. I heard a faint scream and bubbles come from the surface. I think Kiro is trying to save me, but I was already too deep in the water for Kiro to reach. I coughed again, and then it hit me. I'm not drowning.

Before I could look into it further something grabbed my hand and pulled my lower into the water. I watched silently as the surface drifted further and further away, as I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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