Chapter One

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A/N: This is a continuation of Sacrified. You should read that one first or you are going to be so confused.


The ritual was over. I had served my part as the sacrifice and Niklaus Mikaelson was freed from his curse. My Original was now a true hybrid. Thanks to the resurrection amulet he'd given me, I'd come back to life despite his mother's best attempts to keep me from doing so. God, I hated that woman. The spell that linked me to Nik and his brother Elijah had faded with my death. My magic was muted. I could feel it buzzing under my skin but I couldn't access it. I hadn't said a word to either Original brother. We were dealing with enough at the moment without adding that to the mix.

It was the day after I returned to life and Nik sat in his favorite chair while I perched in his lap. We hadn't left each other's side for even a second since the moment I returned from the Other Side. We had been too close to losing each other to take the time we had together for granted.

My head leaned against his shoulder and his hand made lazy circles on my back as he read from Jane Eyre. It was one of my favorites and Nik was going out of his way to be accommodating. He was trying to make amends for killing me. It was unnecessary but I wasn't about to complain.

Our lazy afternoon was interrupted by the front door being thrown open. Our gazes shifted to the doorway of the living room, but otherwise we stayed where we were. "Klaus!"

Nik groaned as he recognized Stefan's voice. "In here, Salvatore." He didn't bother raising his voice. The vampire could hear him just fine.

Stefan came into view. His brow was furrowed and his eyes were wide. His gaze darted from the hybrid to me and his expression changed to one of shock. "Cassidy? were dead. We saw you."

I chuckled and gave him a small smile. "I was dead. Now I'm not."

"You need to tell everyone," he insisted. "Elena has been beside herself. They are planning a memorial for you."

"Was there something you needed?" Nik asked, his voice heavy with irritation. He wasn't looking forward to having to share his time with me with anyone but his brother. I rolled my eyes. I had already told him that we couldn't remain hermits forever though I hadn't been in a rush to tell everyone either. I was still coming to terms with everything that happened the past few days.

"It's Damon," Stefan said. "He's dying."

That got my attention and I pushed myself off Nik's lap and to my feet. "What do you mean dying?"

Stefan swallowed as his gaze moved from me to the hybrid again. His tongue darted out to wet his lips. "Tyler Lockwood bit him. The witches said you have a cure."

I glanced over my shoulder to Nik. He rolled his eyes before standing. "And what will you give me for it, hmm? Surely you don't expect me to just be charitable and hand it over after all the trouble you and your friends have caused?"

Stefan's jaw went tight. "What do you want?"

An arched brow in my boyfriend's direction conveyed my opinion of his current action.

He sighed. "All right, fine. We'll be right back, Stefan. Stay here."

The younger vampire frowned in confusion but simply nodded and perched on the edge of a chair. I followed Nik from the room and into the kitchen, leaning in the doorway as I watched him sift through drawers. "What are you looking for, babe?"

He glanced up to give me a crooked smile at the nickname before resuming his search. "A vial or something."

I walked over to the drawer closest to the refrigerator and retrieved a large vial for him. "Always ask the witch to help find things, hybrid. We have a knack for that."

Bound: The Hybrid's Witch Book 2Where stories live. Discover now