First little note (Read please.)

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wanted to do an anime one shot rather than just having my stories separately, it just made me feel overly stressed.

Please understand that I will not rush this, otherwise, I will receive much stress than I already have when I'm slightly in a depressed state. But I will try to make these stories much more in detail than the other one shots I made.

Also, I've been keeping in so many Danganronpa stories to myself and I needed to let them out and for you, the audience, to read and review your opinions about them. (My friend introduced them to me and it had been stuck on my mind as I haven't had the time to play it (I don't know if the fandom is still alive, but I'm willing to explain what I've kept in for so long, even if it doesn't catch everyone's view, I am delighted even if one or two read them).).

In return, I will include some songs I have used to create the stories, and for you readers to envoke it in a vivid storyline.

A little F.Y.I:

The first story, or two, are quite depressing; because the stories relates to when I was feeling depressed at some stages in my year, I feel a bit better now than before, just a little information for you, my fellow readers.


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