I'm not a normal teenage girl. Sadly I will not be taking a crazy fun adventures to Hawaii or some other crazy fun destination this summer my aunt Clara wants me to get a job .. She says I'm getting to lazy I guess she's right kinda I hated the idea at first but then I realized if I get a job I can make money then I can move out of this terrible place!! When I was fourteen years old my parents both died in a crazy car accident on there way to pick me up soccer practice.. When my parents died I was forced not joke to live with my aunt Clara I would have been better off at an adoption scented that sounds mean but she hates kids she hates me.. That is why she wants me out of the house so when I started looking for a job I wanted to work at a Starbucks or just a cafe because I love coffee but none of the coffee shops in L.A are hiring strange right..? Just my luck so I went with my second choice.. BABYSITTING!! I love kids and eventually I got a job! I now work for the Frantas!! I knew the mother she was one of my mums friends before she passed... So she was happy to help! At first I was happy then I realized I would no longer have a summer .. I mean I work everyday except for Monday! Like ugh I know I like kids but come on all day almost everyday?!?! Even worse terry ( the mum ) works at nights at well so I will have to spend the night like 9 days out of 10... CANT WAIT!! *sarcasm*
One week later *
I made sure not to look like a slob on my first day.. I took a shower brushed my chocolate brown hair then put it up in a messy bun I wore a crop top with the words "hipsta pleas " I wore high waisted light washed denim jeans I put on my black TOMS and headed out the door as I drove to the address I couldn't believe my eyes when I met terry for the first time she lived in rather small house it was her and her son But I guess they moved because this house is a mansion!!! Ugh!! I hope he isn't a spoiled rich kid :( I thought to myself as I woke up to the door. When I knocked on the door some strange kid opened the door he had green eyes an-my thoughts were interrupted by him talking "hey you must be grace!!!" Umm hi I responded.. It came out as a whisper.. " Toby's in his room he will be out soon!!" So how are you..?" Before I could answer Toby ran out of his room an immediately hugged me.. I MISSED YOU!! He screamed at the top of his little lungs aww buddy I missed you to:) after a while of me playing in his in room Connor popped his head in the door
"Hey I'm going out il be back a lil bit after midnight make sure Toby's asleep at around 8 and if you get tired you can sleep in my bed :) it's down the hall " he said with s smirk on his face umm ok thanks I said
"Oh and btw I'm gonna bring some friends over so when we get here we will be quiet:)"
Ok il see you soon!! And with that he left after a while Toby passed out and I was just scrolling through my twitter feed until I came across something kinda weird it was Connors feed he posted something saying
" just met someone great #cutie" I was hopping he was talking about me but I doubt it lol and with that I walked up to Connors room I didn't want to sleep in my jeans so I was thankful I brought a pair of spandex I mean I don't wanna sleep in Connors room in my underwear... After about an hour of trying to sleep I just give up i sit up and go on my phone until I hear the door open I was freaking out until I heard Connors voice I immediately calmed down and pretended I was alseep don't ask why I just did .. When he walked into the room he was really loud until he tried to sit on the bed I think he realized he was sitting on my foot so he got up then everyone got quiet .. So I pretended to wake up I'm a great actress lol when I looked at them there were 4 guys.. Connor and some other people , one of them was really skinny with bleach blonde hair another with really curly hair and one with a lip peircing.. They all looked drunk.. Grrreeaaat "Connor wtf are you drunk?!?"
Nah just really tired lol I forgot you were gonna sleep in my room he responded
Well here I got up and I think the guys thought I was in my underwear because they all looked away really really fast!!
Guys calm down haha it's not my underwear they all looked realized and started asking me questions.
But I didn't really answer any of them I just got up and walked to the couch I was so close to falling asleep when the guys came out and said
HEY GRACE!! Wanna watch mean girls?!? Or we could go to Taco Bell OOOO OR STARBUCKS!!! They practically screamed!!
Oh my god! Guys shush you will wake Toby and I can't leave without him so il have to stay here!! I responded kinda bummed I couldn't hangout:(
We'll take him with us!! They responded I said shire and I carefully picked him up he looked like and angel when he slept!!