11:47 pm

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At 11:47 pm the office was generally devoid of activity, with only the odd stressed out employee staying this late for reasons like a ridiculously heavy workload brought on by procrastination and an ominous deadline hovering above them. You could tell who those people were. They were the ones slouching their shoulders like all of their unfinished tasks had taken physical form and were now weighing them down, the ones with bags under their eyes and an exhausted expression etched onto their faces.

But right now the office was devoid of even the investigators most lacking in work ethic. Perhaps that was the reason he allowed himself to be so bold tonight.

The overhead lights were turned off and all that illuminated Houji's workspace was the artificial light from his computer. The sound of his hands tapping away at the keyboard was rhythmic and mind numbing. Despite this his face failed to keep the calm expression that usual adorned it, instead it was somewhat flushed with sweat shining on his forehead. The source of Houji's demeanour was his partner, Takizawa Seidou. Currently the brunette was straddling him, arms wrapped around his neck and head resting on his shoulder. Their bodies were pressed together and it was the perfect position for Houji to hear every single one of the small sounds Takizawa made when he shifted around, groaning at the friction.

"Ahh... Houji-san." At the sound of his name breathlessly leaving the other's lips his fingers momentarily slipped on the keyboard and he went to correct it, now more careful than ever before. Ever tap was slow and deliberate, making it take more time to finish. If Takizawa's intentions were to get Houji to pay him a little more attention a little faster then it had backfired woefully. With hot breath fanning his neck and small whimpers and moans from Seidou filling the silence Houji thought to himself that it was nice seeing- and feeling- the other get so worked up, no matter how much his own lust was interfering with his work.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity the email was written, edited and with one last click it was sent away. Now having free hands Houji lifted  one from the keyboard to ghost over Seidou's back, earning a hitch in breath followed by a relieved sigh. It felt like Houji knew exactly where to touch him.

"My, you're so needy tonight."

"That's b-because, ahh, because you're not giving me any attention..." came Seidou's breathless response. His hands clutched a little tighter at the back of Houji's suit jacket and their hips grinded against each other again. Houji's hand traveled from Seidou's back down to rest on his hip bone and the other joined, holding the smaller in place.

Lips connected in a sloppy kiss. It was careless, needy and far from the dry romantic hollywood portrayal but it was their version of love. Seidou tangled his fingers into Houji's hair and opened his mouth, angling his head to get more of the sensation. Complying Houji slipped his tongue into Seidou's mouth, relishing the way he whimpered into their kiss. Houji's movements were deliberate as if he owned his mouth, dominating the smaller boy. While their mouths were occupied Houji let his hands travel up and down Seidou's sides, eliciting moans.

When they separated a line of saliva connected their lips, both panting. The office suddenly felt too hot for the suits they were wearing despite their shirts being half unbuttoned and their zippers unzipped. Suddenly Houji grinded upwards, making Seidou throw his head back with a choked moan of surprise which soon turned into a groan of pleasure. Seidou could feel Houji's huge dick through this underwear and it was making his mind go devoid of everything but the sensation of it pressing against him. Having enough of cloth separating their bodies from each other Houji teasingly tugged at the waistband of Seidou's boxers, whispering in his ear in a low voice "Do you want me to make you come?"

"Y-yes... Houji-san..." Seidou's hands eagerly assisted Houji in his task of getting them further undressed. When the underwear had been removed and the only thing that remained was skin against skin Houji captured his subordinate's lips in another kiss, this one short and heated. Then he promptly moved his lips lower, placing them against Seidou's jaw. As he kissed his way down to Seidou's collarbone he used his hands to massage that place on the small his back that Houji knew drove him crazy. It worked like magic, causing Seidou to throw his head back with a loud gasp. His eyes widened then screwed shut as another wave of pleasure hit him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2019 ⏰

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