Make a Wish

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"Britt?" I heard my girlfriend, Santana call from the bathroom as it echoed off the walls. "Yeah, San?" I shouted back, grabbing a few pillows and blankets, tossing them on the cushioned couch. I was setting up for a mini date night, considering we haven't had one in awhile. "Which film did you choose?" She replied. "You will have to come out to see!" I walked into the kitchen, my bare feet padding against the cool wooden floor. I walked over to the tall cabinets and grabbed a bag of lays potato chips for me and a small bag of buttered popcorn for Santana. I walked back to the living room, smiling softly to myself. I placed both of the snacks onto the coffee table and sat down on the couch. I heard footsteps coming from behind me, so turned around. Immediately, I saw a smile brighter than the stars during a cloudless night. "Hey baby, come sit." I spoke softly, patting the empty spot next to me. Santana giggles quietly and walked around the couch, wrapped her arms around my neck, then sat down in her spot. She extended legs across my lap and pressed a soft, sweet kiss onto my lips. "So Britt, what are we going to watch?" Santana said while smiling. "Like I said eariler, its a surprise." I smirked mysteriously and grabbed the remote, then pressed play, bringing the film The Parent trap to life. It is Santana's favorite movie, and has been ever since she was a little child. Her abuela showed her the film when she was a little kid and it kind of stuck with her. I reached over and opened the bag of popcorn, grabbing a small handful. I brought my fingers up to Santana's lips, smiling as she parted them. I fed her the popcorn happily, then turned back to watch the screen. Santana curled into my side, resting her head on my shoulder. I loved the way her hair tickled my neck. As the movie ended, I glanced down to my left and saw a beautiful angel sleeping next to me. I didnt want her up, so I tried my best to be gentle. I picked her up slowly, cradling her in my arms. I decided that it was best to carry her to bed, so quickly I brought her up to her bedroom. As I made my way up the narrow stairs, I looked at the picture frames that were hung on the tan walls. The pictures brought back amazing memories. I bit my lip, smiling down at her as I walked into her room. It was cool from her air conditioning, so I pulled back her covers and laid her down carefully, tugging the blankets back over her. I tucked the blanket around her, then placed a loving kiss on her forehead. "I love you." I whispered, caressing her right cheek, which is as soft as a new born baby's tush. I walked to her door and shut out the light, closing her door gently. "Sleep well." I whispered, walking down the hallway to the guest room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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