Story 1:Killua x Reader:The killers angle

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"Y/n!!!!!!!"You heard as your vision went black.Your body falling to the floor.You had tried to save Killua from his horrid family and the nightmare he was in.Assuming it was his voice that you had heard before you fell.

You walked to a bright light and your body glowed seeing a black wing and a white wing appear On your back.A halo appeared above your head and devils horns appear."welcome y/n"you turn to see a beautiful angelic couple smiling at you."we have been expecting you"they said in unison and each put a hand on your shoulder."w-wait am I dead!"You spoke pushing them away."I-I can't be dead! I have to go back to protect Killua please!"you yelled pleading on your knees."please get up"the couple spoke."if you wish to help your friend you must ask our leader"one said walking."But seeing what kind of angel you are might be a problem"the other spoke."the kind of angel I am?"you said looking up at them."yes,In your time on earth you have done very bad things but there are some good that saved you from falling into the hands of the devil."one of the angels"well we can only grant you one thing we know how to help you on keeping in contact with your human friend but you must be very careful the leader cannot find out or the three of us will be in grave danger"as soon as they spoke two spheres appear in they're hands,you must wear this at all times and you must give the other to your friend,If you ever loose it you can never talk to your friend unless you make it out of here gaining your body back"the angel as she puts on you,and the other in your hand,"now go,close your eyes and think of your friend and you will be next to him",you nod in agreement"thank you so much I cannot thank you two enough"you said smiling but soon enough closed your eyes,soon enough your into a dark tunnel and see a light,you start running towards the light and hope you'd see your best friend killua on the other side

You ran to the end and saw the pale male on the floor holding your pale lifeless body.Slight tears falling down his white toned cheeks."Y-You sacrificed yourself for me because of my stupid family"he said as held you close.You felt your heart ace seeing him this hurt.You walked over and rested your hand on his shoulder."Killua.."you said softly smiling as he turned at your direction.His eyes widened as he looked back at your body in his arms and your spirt."H-How?"he said confused he hugged you as you hugged him back as your eyes got filled with tears"I-I miss you even if it's just been a while"You said softly."W-Why did you do that you died because of me..."he said softly as his voice shook slightly."Don't worry I'm gonna gain my body back and soon we can be together again"You smiled,"But for now here"You said as you gave him the small sphere"We can communicate threw this don't take it out of your sight and keep it with you no matter what",You said as you held it in his hand,he nods and put it in his pocket."I have to go now killua I'm sorry for leaving you alone but we will be together soon"You said smiling as you slowly started fading"be careful killua"you said before your eyes forcefully opened seeing you were back.

'It has been 10 years since I had passed away living in heaven.Sadly I couldn't get my body back but I gained access to go to be with killua by spirit so we aren't alone'You said writing it down on a small notebook you had as you wrote down your thought'I really miss him it's not the same but at least I can see and talk to him,But for some reason as I do im always called the devils angel since killua is a suppose bad person and has done pretty bad things in his life..I'll admit it sounds really cool 'the killer's Angel' I don't mind that at all'
You said smiling as you closed the notebook and went threw a portal seeing Killua as a smile appeared on your face

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