The Beginning

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"UGH" y/n groaned as you put your keyblade down to your waist. "I give up...! I'll never be able to impress anyone with these skills."

"Don't worry y/n, you'll get the hang of it. You have to start some where." Mickey Mouse comforted you.

"Master Yen Sid will be very disappointed in me! I just don't want to tell him how badly I'm doing." You threw your keyblade to the floor and sat down on the floor. Mickey sat right by you and patted your back.

"Of course he'll be proud of you. As long as you're trying your best, Master Yen Sid will love it."

"No you don't get it...!" And no one ever got it. Your love for Yen Sid burned inside of you bigger than any flame. Just to hear him say good job to you got you all jittery inside.

"I think I do get it. I was training under him once before. It'll be fine!"

You hope to GOD  that Mickey didn't get it. You wanted Yen Sid all to yourself. You needed Yen Sid.

"Y/n?" Mickey said. "You okay?"

"Yeah," You said softly. "I was just thinking about something."

Mickey stood up and offered his hand to help you up. "Well, why don't we pay Master Yen Sid a visit? We can tell him all about the progress you made! That'll cheer you up!"

You took Mickey's hand and stood up. "I would love to see him!" The two of you go off to see the love of your life. Your heart starts racing and the blood rushed to your face. You are ready for him.

Omg this is my first time doing a x Reader uwu!!!

I just think that Yen Sid is so hawt I just had to about my Master.

I know it's short but it's just the beginning hehehehe uwu.

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