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It was the night of November 17th that I had decided I had to run away. I left for good to escape my mundane home and took nothing but my body which lusted for adventure and something more than I had ever been given. It might have seemed like a strange decision, but for me, it seemed like the right thing to do. I was running from my home, Dakkem, but more importantly, I was running away from my old life. I sought adventure, and it seemed adventure would be exactly what I would get.

Steeling the nearest space shuttle I could find, I escaped my planet not once looking back.

It was not until I entered the space atmosphere that I became aware of the decor inside the ship I had taken. Strange writings on the walls with random remarks such as ROCKET WAS HERE filled the walls. I then observed the decor sitting above the first pilots seat. The shuttle belonged to someone named P. Quill...

That was when I had spotted out of the corner of my eye a wandering traveler, Asgardian, I inferred, trying to pull something out of a stone in an empty moon. I then decided to land and get a closer look at the shadowy figure. It was not until my feet hit the cratered gravel of the abandoned moon that I began to realize what the man was doing. He was trying to pull a hammer out of the ground. This struck me to be very odd, and as I continued to get closer it turned out that the hammer was not in the ground at all, but on top, just sitting on the bare surface. "Why can't he pick it up?" I thought. " Surely a man of his size could lift a mere hammer."

After about five minutes of struggling to pick the weapon up, the man had seemed to finally give up. At this point I had landed the ship about a mile away, and stood near his location when he suddenly turned my way. Thinking he heard me, I ducted behind a rock to avoid being seen, but despite my thoughts, he was turning to face the sky, and started to stare and think. I began to wonder what he was thinking. Disappointment, confusion, and despairs lingered in his eyes. The lonely traveler had finally left.

With questions and curiosity filling my head, I traced his path up to where he had been standing. I crouched down to see the hammer that lay with no owners claim. On it's side, engraved writing read-

"Whosoever holds this hammer, of the be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."

It was then that I realized what I had found, and it was then that I proclaimed the weapon and emerged as Thor, The God of Thunder.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2014 ⏰

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