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STARING INTO VACANCY, INES displayed intense despondency and her husband neglected the rationale, acting as if though he, in fact, did not know where her precious diamond necklace had gone. Nikolaj was very much aware where the jewelry had gone. By now, it was likely securely stored in a safe with its original owner as a result of Hans Vang, the Danish delegate whom Nikolaj a week in the past had given the responsibility to deliver the piece. The meeting had escalated and turned tragically exorbitant as well since Nikolaj had been forced to visit a dry-cleaning place to rid his three-piece suit of the blood that had gotten on the collar and cuffs. Surely he had more than enough money but even the wealthiest were stingy, especially when all their clothes were tailored from the finest material of which many likely had suffered under the production of such fine wool.

When scheduling the arrangement, Nikolaj had not intended for the summit to turn downright violent, howbeit Hans Vang had put him in a bad mood when disagreeing to deliver the necklace to Grand Duchess Dominika. He was going to West Midlands anyhow so what could be the bother? Pure selfish and veritable rude was Hans, especially when ordering Nikolaj to leave his office. He would have preferred not to, but the businessman was then forced to bring up what little secret he had disinterred in advance to ensure he would leave content, with a deal in his hands and Hans a fright and necklace in his care. It had been two letters he had gotten his kleptomaniac fingers on, explicit writing in cursive words expressing infidelity as well as homosexual tendencies, both of which would prove extremely unfortunate for his upcoming campaign. Those were just enough to adhere for a while, only he did not hide his newly discovered hatred to Nikolaj and made himself clear in a smart remark. One riling Nikolaj to a degree, making him grin with certain wickedness and dismiss what control he priorly possessed, ruining Hans Vang's basic corner shop-suit in just one sway.

It had been an honest mistake and although he expressed his sincerest apologies subsequent to losing his temper, his offer was still standing and he made it clear he was not leaving disgruntled. And so, in fear of fouling his nest, Hans succumbed.

Ines knew none of this and Nikolaj did not have it in mind to tell her he had been the one take it from her possession. For now, that was a matter he chose to disregard for his action meant the Grand Duchess of Coventry would not take matters into own hands in retrieving her long lost diamonds. One of the many problematics posing had been eliminated and he could adjust his focus on those Englishmen across the sea, perhaps make contact with the Spinietta family to find out what the turmoil was about. Nikolaj had patently been frugal when letting Ines in on his illicit business.

Shaking her head free of her its deep mulling state, Ines stood from her place and proceeded to dress for the day. Considering she had no important meetings nor extraordinary events to dress for, she clad herself in an old, yet a modish matching set of ebullient tangerine. Her husband had only an hour earlier left their home and in quite a hurry of that. How he had yelled in the hall-telephone at just five in the morning had awakened Ines with worry, but when Nikolaj returned to their bedroom, clearly agitated, with sleep still in his eyes he excused himself and made his leave. Unperturbed and exceedingly tired from the long night, she went back to sleep the rest of her drowsiness off. Pinning the last curl up with gel and a hairpin, Ines glanced at herself in the wide mirror hanging from the wall. Matching the appearance of many other women, classic and pulled together but reserved for the men around lacked respect and thought women to be nothing but a lovely thing for the eye. She looked wealthy. The intellect in her voguish attire, elegance in her demure smile, benevolence in her eyes and rich in her hair. She looked good and Ines knew it.

Succeeding marrying and amalgamating with Nikolaj, he had insisted knowing how to drive a car was an absolute must. From a personal perspective, Ines thought it needles considering she was living the remaining of her 36th year of life. She had always been dependent on transportation conveyed either by a captain on a boat or an engine driver on the rails. She saw no reason as to why it all of a sudden posed a necessity to operate a vehicle, even if she legally was the constitutional proprietor of a highfalutin quota and bound to inherit Hive Automatics should an event of death occur. Initially, Ines had been rather averse when Nikolaj approached her with his grand idea, not entirely compelled by the idea of sharing a workplace with her husband. Newlywed and naive with love, it certainly was not his company which she execrated. No, Ines, she was fearful they would spiral into a world where work and private life would mix, however, she had capitulated under the pledge of Nikolaj, guaranteeing no troubles would convene and although she liked to think herself astute, Ines was the first to let those barriers fall and speak business in their home.

Parking up the private grounds marking the broad area of Hive Automatics and Lenz Leather's offices, Ines gracefully marched her way across the gravel in her heels. Greeted with nods and well wishes for the morning, she went through the sheaf of mail while sipping her Ethiopian coffee, eyes widening with glee as she read the initials "AM" on the red wax seal. A smile spread on her red-painted lip as she put away her porcelain cup, reaching for the silver paperknife hidden away in the desk's drawer. Without detaching her inspective eyes from the envelope, she slid the letter opener along with the material and pulled out a piece of folded writing paper. Leaning on her desk, Ines' eyes read the typewritten text.

Dearest Ines,

It is with the greatest joy I hereby invite you and your husband to attend the grand inauguration of my 10th club in London, opening on the corner of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street on Thursday 11th November 1926. The official opening is scheduled for six o'clock, however, I would so enjoy for you to show earlier. Do not dither to phone in case of queries.

Anton Maes.

Just as Ines read the name a small series of knocks sounded on the open, wooden door. Looking up with a bubbly grimace spread across her features, she was met with the sight of her husband. Picking up on her exuberant behavior he acted as if though it had a contagious effect on him and Nikolaj copied her smile, tilting his head with curiosity. Stirred with gaiety, she clicked her tongue and waved the letter in the air.

"Care for a little trip?"

LENZ LEATHER ━ THOMAS SHELBYWhere stories live. Discover now