day one in your own

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It was the last day of school and the first day of your new life as an adult. Walking off that stage was the best part of that. You get in your car and drive to your apartment. Walking into the comfort of your own home and look at the picture of your mom and dad and smiled. "I did it mom and dad...i hope you're proud of me." You go upstairs and take a nice hot shower and think of what your gonna do with your life. Wrapped in a comfy towel you sat on your bed and did a bit of research. Nothing seemed to fit for standards over the reviews. You sighed and got dressed to go do some grocery shopping. You closed your laptop placing it on the charger and headed out. Walking around grabbing everything on your list a noticeable voice calls out to you. "Y/n? Is that you?" You turn around and smile warmly "mike?" His eyes lit up joyfully. "It is you wow how are you?" He asked, "oh im fine just doing a bit of shopping and trying to find a college is all." He nodded smiling "are you free today after shopping?" "Um yeah sure what's up?" His eyes shifted over a bit as he rubbed the back of his head. "I was wondering if you'd wanna go to Freddie's. It's been a while since we were kids I'll treat you." A bit flustered you giggled a bit, his eyes shot over to met yours. "Like a date?" You could tell he was getting embarrassed "No, not a date...just you know old friends catching up." Mike had always been the closed in type. You nodded "Sure sounds fun." You said making him smile and he took out his phone. "What's your number?" You two switched numbers and went on with your shopping. After getting home and putting your bags away you sat on the sofa and watched tv. Ten minutes passed by and you started to feel hungry and your phone went off.


Hey :)
5:11 pm

5:11 pm

I feel so dumb I forgot to get your address XD
5:12 pm

Lol I'll send it to you
5:12 pm

5:14 pm

You send him your address and 5 minutes later there's a knock on your door. You get up to open it and look through the peep-hole. Mike waves and you open the door. "Sorry im late there was a car jam up the street." "Oh, it's ok." You grab your keys and walk out locking the door. You two walk to his car and he opens the door for you. You get in and head to the pizzeria. "You know you don't live the far from me." "Really?" "In a way yea" you looked at him confused. "In a way?" He looks at you and back at the road driving. "Yeah, my house recently got burned down so im living with a co-worker" he laughs a bit. "Oh, mike that's horrible how did that happen?" His face got a bit angry "drunk dad left a burning blunt on the carpet and a metal pot burning on the stove while I was at blew up in flames, he was too drunk and high to notice the burning smell he's in the hospital now." "Is he alright?" You asked worriedly. He shrugged "why would I care I went to go see him more worried about him than my own home and he had the nerve to ask me to get him something to drink and some weed to smoke...didn't even say im sorry son about the house or thank you for seeing me." He gripped the wheel. "I stopped seeing him after that." You look down in your lap. "I'm sorry to hear that mike." He parks at the pizzeria and pokes your cheek. "Don't be it was his fault, im getting another built anyway." He got out the car opening the door for you. "Come on let's go have some fun." You smile and nod getting out the car.

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