Julian x Reader! Daddy Julian Part1!

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 My (S/C) face frowned until I felt a pale cold set of lips against my lips. I smiled as tears flew down my face. "I love you Julian" "I love you too (Y/N)" I smiled as Julian looked at me. I hugged the tall man tightly as one of his hands were on my back near my tailbone, the other on my head. I smiled as I had never felt this much love from anyone before. I knew I could see myself starting a life with him. Starting a family. Portia would love to be a aunt, and Julian would make a great father. I smirked and earned a puzzled look from Julian. "Whats gotcha smirkin (Y/N)?" "Oh nothing Julian don't worry"


Julian and I had a spectacular wedding, That of course Nadia planned. Its been about three or more months since the wedding. And I have found out that I was pregnant. I wondered how Julian would react. So today was the day I will tell him! "Hey Julian honey~" I sweetly sang well cooking dinner. "Yes (Y/N) my love?" "Dinner is almost ready! Plus I made you a picture, Its in your study for when your done okay?" "Perfect thank you love" I brought Julian his dinner, he started to eat. With a full mouth, his eyes made their way up to my (E/C) ones. "What did my artist paint?" I smirk as I look at him "Nothing much, just our baby~" I cooed as he spat out his dinner. I laughed as he got up from his end of the table and picked me up. He spun me around and laughed "I'M GONNA BE A FATHER!!!!!!" I laughed even harder as he covered me in kisses. I have never seen him smile so wide before. I can't wait for out little bundle of love to arrive. 

~Thanks for reading

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