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What am I doing here?
Head fogged, mind dead,
Words relapsed, vowels never said.
Help, help.
But I could not move.
Paralyzed, it hurt me.
A quick jab through my chest.
Arms moved, but only in mind.
Needles trickled from nerves not mine.
Help, help.
But I cannot move.
Eyes flicker in patterns I do not control.
An uncontrolled silence in my system,
Trying to pull me into sleep.
But yet I remain awake,
Only to lose my cognition
More and more
Every passing moment.
What am I?
Nay, between the two.
For I can look,
and think,
but only a beast cannot move
of his own accord,
Trapped within
A mind not his own.

Looking At Nothing (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now