Pushed To The Edge

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Dukes of Hazzard: Pushed to the edge

Balladeer: welcome to hazzard county it was a good day for the Duke boys working out on the farm, but for it to be ruined well, that ought to be a typical day here in Hazzard. Looks like ole Boss Hogg is already up to no good. Let's see how things'll turn out for them Dukes.  

Boss Hogg was talking with Rosco through the CB as usual, planning on ways to arrest the Dukes. “Bo and Luke Duke will be arrested today” Boss ordered to Rosco. In reply Rosco asked “What’ll I catch ‘em with this time boss? Kweh kweh.” The typical answer of Boss, was to use a fake speed trap and nail Bo and Luke for speeding.

Balladeer: Bo and Luke where on their way to the hospital 'cause Luke's good ole friend from the marines was in the hospital, he was shot just the other day, I smell trouble how about you?

As Luke was driving down the back roads on his way to visit Edd Melone, Bo jokingly commented “Hey, Luke would you slow down a little, i thought i was the one who does all the speeding. Now luke was in a hurry to get to the hospital to see Edd before anything happened, and seemingly snapped on poor Bo “Bo, just get off my case would ya?!” Bo defensively stood up for himself, he understood that Luke was upset about Edd being shot an all, but Luke had no call to snap on him like that.  Deciding it was best not to argue Bo questioned Luke “I thought you said you were going to slow down?” Luke agreed to slowing down to get both Bo and him there in one piece and not ten, but once Luke tried to slow down, he got worried the brake wouldn’t work. Ol’ Luke kept trying at the brake before replying frustratingly “that was the plan, but apparently the brake blew a while back.”

Bo and Luke had been so caught up with all the commotion about the brakes not working that they didn’t hear Rosco pull out behind them and start chasing them. Looking into the back of the General, Bo tensed and whipped back into his seat. “Luke we are in a heep of trouble now!” Bo warned. Knowing that Rosco really could get the boys for speeding and failure of brakes Luke did his best to stay on the road, while in the meantime avoiding Rosco catching up to them. Luke checked the brake once more, while Bo checked on Rosco to see if they lost him. While both Bo and Luke were occupied neither saw the vehicle heading toward the boys from another road. Looking up Bo and Luke saw the other car, Bo yelling “LUKE WATCH OUT FOR THAT THERE CAR!!!” Luke swerved the General Lee, hitting a tree in the process, stopping them from going anywhere.

Balladeer: if that just aint dandy, poor ol’ luke and bo’s brakes on the general went out, rosco was trying to arrest them and he found something to arrest them for. This other car cut luke off, causing bo and luke to smash into a tree, leading up to rosco catching up with them. What a day this has been for them boys, and it aint even lunch yet.

Bo in shock started speaking “ woah luke, you almost got us both killed, and rosco is right behind us now!” When Luke didn’t reply Bo tried to get Luke to talk to him. “ Luke come on now, you know i didnt mean that as anything personal. There was still no answer, Bo started getting worried, calling out Luke’s name, with still no reply Bo turned to face luke “Luke would you please answer m...” Bo stopped as Rosco cut him off.

Rosco happy he caught Bo and Luke, even if it was because they ran into a tree, was all excited that he could finally arrest them, “Alright now i got you duke boys right where i want ya, come now get out of that there heep of junk. Kweh Kweh.” Bo not knowing what to say, tried explaining to Rosco that Luke was injured and Rosco, to caught up with his pride completely ignored him. “Bo, come one get out of there, I caught you and your cousin fair and square, you did the crime, you got to do the crime. Kweh Kweh.”

Bo looked to Rosco, still in shock and said “Rosco...? i dont think Luke is going to jail anytime soon.” Of course Rosco, still happy that he caught the boys told them they were speeding. Bo’s comeback to that was “Rosco, would you listen to me, Luke ain’t answering me” Still not listening to Bo who was trying to get help for his older cousin, said “well he can’t be replying , hes to ashamed of his horrendous driving.” By this time Bo had had enough of Rosco ignoring what he was saying, and ending up yelling at him, saying that he should call an ambulance.

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