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I've never liked Valentines Day. My younger sisters always have, but they can actually go out and have fun, while I sit in my room and read my novels.

At this moment, Feyre is probably out with her husband, and Elain with her boyfriend, while, once again, I'm reading my erotica and eating chips alone in my room.

Nothing has changed from my normal life. Or so I thought before the doorbell rings.

Who in the hell would be ringing it this time of night? Especially on this night!

Grumbling to myself, I make the small treck downstairs, undoing all the locks. I swing open the door to find a taller man looking down at me, a circular box in his arms.

I stare at him, expecting him to say something along the lines of, sorry wrong house, but he just stands there.

"Yes?" I speak first, letting my annoyance slip into my tone.

"Nesta Archeron?" His voice is like silk. It weaves into my bones, and I feel so small under his towering figure.

"Who wants to know?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe, crossing my arms over my chest.

"My name is Cassian, I'm a friend of Rhysand's?" I stare at him blankly. "Feyre's husband?"

"I know who he is." I snap.

He grins. "So you are Nesta?"

I glare at him. "What do you want?"

At the question, he holds out the small circular box to me. I stare blankly at him again.

"They're for you." He tells me, his grin never leaving his face.

Hesitantly I take the box, pushing the lid to the side to peer inside.

"Macaroons?" I look up at him, raising an eyebrow in question.

Cassian nods, his grin only growing. "From the local bakery."

"Why?" The question came out sharper than I intended.

I swear his ears turn slightly pink, as he rubs the back of his neck. "I've never actually spoken to you, though I did see you at Feyre's wedding. I just thought I stop by to give something sweet."

"How would you know if I have a boyfriend or not?"

"You don't." He grins, turning his head to the side slightly. Was he mocking me? "You were reading in your room alone, most likely reading romance."

It took all my strength not to slam the door in his face. "So you're stocking me?"

Cassian puts his hands up in defense. "Feyre told me you were. That you always do..."

Fury burns in my core. "Thank you for the cookies, but I think you should be leaving now."

He gives me a crooked grin. "I'll be back."

"Do that, and I'll hit you in the face with one of my novels," I growl.

He steps closer to me, making my heart speed up. "Is that a challenge?"

I slam the door in his face, locking it quickly. I hear him laugh lightly behind the closed door.

"See you in a bit!" He calls.

Even though my rage, I look down at the small box in my hands and hope he does, in fact, come back soon.

Macaroons - Nessian Modern AU One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now