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Pippa was furious so she sent Tigray a letter to find her in a secret lab and make a lot of noise so she knows he is there. Tigray went off to find Pippa. Then he came to a door to a secret underground lab where Pippa was looking for the special chemical XXX1. XXX1 is a liquid that glows green and change shape and size of a human if eaten. It is places that produce lots of heat, such as volcano crevasse, but seen only on a blue moon. Tigray walks into the lab awkwardly being aware of every sound. CREEAK! "AHHHHHHHH!" Tigray cried as he fell off the path down onto a shelf. CRASH! SMASH! BOOM POW! BANG! CLANG! "WOAH!" Tigray yelped. BOOM! CLANG! CRASH! The shelves fell like dominoes. Tigray was knocked out for hours. Pippa heard all the noise and came dashing towards the sound. Pippa saw liquids and acid with bookshelves on top. She saw a ladder placed against a wall with a hatch open on the ceiling. A strange liquid was dripping from the hatch. "Woohoo!" Shouted Pippa. She had found XXX1. The leak got worse and all of a sudden it was flowing out the door.

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