Chapter 1

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Your POV

You take a moment to breathe in the mixed scent of several flight attendants' perfume and plane fresheners, if those even existed.

The nostalgic feeling you get from riding airplanes makes you want to just stay on it forever but it would be no fun if you could'nt step into a whole new place.

That feeling gives you a sense of content and euphoria. Meaning its a wonderful feeling, but sometimes you think that the fast lane is always exciting. So you tend to travel a lot. Your job makes it easy for you to have an excuse to travel, you live quite an easy life.

Well, not entirely.

You mostly witness wars, countless deaths, and lives you wish you could have saved but you know you're never perfect.
You sigh as you close the plane window beside you.

You feel the plane slowly descend.
Suddenly a voice speaks from within the plane. "Uh.. this is your captain speaking, I would like to announce that we have reached land, welcome to the United States of America." The radio clicks.
Everyone starts unbuckling their seatbelts and headed straight to the plane exit. You attempt to stand up to slip into the walking crowd but get pushed back to another seat behind yours, bumping a person who was standing. "Gah! S-Sorry sir--" You turned to look at the giant behind you, he looked almost like his face was--

America's POV

"Oh, that's alright miss, no harm done!" I smile while adjusting my sunglasses. She just looked up at me and stared as I stared back. "Uh, lady? You still here?" Her gaze still doesn't fade. I look behind her and there were just a few people left in the plane. I looked back at her to see her looking down, seemingly embarrassed for staring. I clear my throat, which seemed to wake her up from her trance. "Oh! Sorry! Again... I'll get going now.." She walks to the exit. I sighed and chuckled as I followed after her. I mean, am I that hot?

Your POV

"I can't believe I literally just saw a freakin' tall ass person with the American flag on their face-- not to mention his extremely perfect mascular body-- wait, what?" You ranted to yourself in disbelief.

Suddenly you get a tap on your shoulder, you turn to see that country...human..thing.. again. "Hey you kinda dropped something." He says. You look at him confused, "I don't think I brought anything valuable except mysel--" Suddenly you get pushed by a moving passenger onto his chest. "See what I mean?" He smirked. Your cheeks immediately turned red as you pull yourself away from him. "It happened a while ago too." He lowers his sunglasses and winks at you.

You immediately turn away and start walking. You hear him chuckle to himself as he catches up to you. "Hey listen! Sorry 'bout that, I was tryin' to see if you'd fall for me just by that." You scoff. "Well excuse me sir, I am a sensible human being and I don't easily fall in love with
s t r a n g e r s."

You continue walking towards entrance of the airport, yet he still catches up. "Okay sorry, I'm America." That sentence just made you stop. "Wait wait-- hol' up, are you actually named America??"
You gave him a surprised look. He sighed and was about to say something. "Wait! If you're a country and if were in America right now, then are we both in you?? What would happen if I shake you? Would there be an earthquake?!" You asked in curiousity. He opens his mouth only to be shaken by you. Then you frantically look around and try to feel any sort of shaking or change. You wait for a moment and frown in disappointment. "You made me look like an idiot..."

He suddenly just bursts out laughing. You furrow your brows at him. "Hey! What's so funny??"
"Hahaha- I just-- haha- I can't believe-- haha..haaa... you thought- you thought shaking me would cause an earthquake!" He wiped an invisible tear from his eye. "I mean, sure I'm a country but I'm just a human being too besides, nothing can shake this body." He grins proudly as he flexes. You roll your eyes at the sight and cross your arm. "Well then I guess its only fair for me to introduce myself, I'm Y/N by the way." You reach out a hand to shake, he shakes it and nods.

Your hands are linked for quite a while when you both let go, realizing the time. "I really need to go now, I'm might be late for my job tomorrow.. so uh-- see you I guess... or not." You were about to get your luggages when he grabs your wrist, stopping you for a moment. He lets go and scratches the back of his neck. "Uh-I know I don't exactly need to know but what's your job? And are you free after that?" "I'm an international aid worker... basically I-" "Nah its ok, you dont have to explain I know what it is." He smiles as you smile back. "I seriously need to go, see you!" You hurriedly grabbed your luggages which were moved by the conveyer belt right on time and went off.

America's POV

"International aid worker huh..." He laughs slightly. "Guess we'll be seeing each other real soon." He places his hands in the pockets of his denim pants.

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